It's come to this

It's amazing how much Israel's relations with Turkey have deteriorated since Tayyip Erdogan stormed past Shimon Peres in Davos sixteen months ago.
Turkey is now threatening war.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel against responding to rocket attacks from the Gaza strip.
In an interview with the Turkish TV station TRT Erdogan said that Turkey will not stand idly by if Israel carries out another campaign inside the Gaza Strip.
Israel's response:
Israel, in a sharply worded response to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s latest rhetorical slam, advised him on Monday night “not to turn into another extreme leader such as Hugo Chavez.”
Erdogan should not try to integrate his country into the Arab world at Israel’s expense, a Foreign Ministry official said, in a rare direct response to one of Erdogan’s now almost routine attacks on Israel.
The official, reading from a ministry response, said Israel was not looking for a confrontation with any country, including Turkey. But, he said, the impression being created is that Erdogan wants to integrate his country into the Arab world “on Israel’s back.”
“We suggest he look for a more creative way to integrate both into the Muslim and Western worlds,” the official said, and “not to turn into another extreme leader such as Hugo Chavez.”
The official said Israel hoped that in light of Erdogan’s professed concern for Muslims all around the world, he would express sorrow at the long line of murders of innocent Pakistanis and Iraqis by terrorist organizations.
What could go wrong?
Hi Carl.
Again the same thing and Turkey wants to join the European Union?
No way ,maybe if they start behaving as a civilised country?
The red line is this is the "relation" between Erdogan and Ahmadinejad ,together with Syria and Hezbollah you got the 21th Century axes of evil.
What could go wrong?
Nothing to Turkey. Turkey knows it too.
Turkey is yet another example of the black eye of revisionist history!
Can't think of a president that did not extol (whitewash) the virtues of the antisemite Islamist in secular garb Erdogan. And look, it worked. Goodness, they are afraid to even talk about the genocide of the Kurds and especially (wipe the thought off your lips) the Armenian genocide.
Ditto for the king of black hair dye, Mubarak.
He has been told so many times he is a "man of peace, good friend of the US and ally in the war on terror that it stuck like glue. Think the average Joe doesn't believe it, he does.
Hey, if you can allow thousands of weapons tunnels dug from your country which ultimately are used to kill Jews and get away with it, why not...!
Turkey is turning Islamist and is a lost cause and Israel's government should do less buttering up to a hostile Ankara and spend more time asserting its national interests before the world.
After hearing more everyday from Erdogan, I am absolutely convinced that the use of Crack cocaine is much more widespread in the Muslim world than people would think. The man is absolutely insane. He really needs to put down the crackpipe, and slowly back away before he goes off the deep end and starts hallucinating that IDF soldiers are trying to rape him.
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