'You were right about Obama'

I haven't spoken to my friend in many months, probably since the fall or summer. So I was pleased when his name showed up as an incoming call on my cell phone, although I wondered how we would dance around the subject of Him.From your lips to God's ears.
The first sentence out of his mouth was, "Let's get it out of the way, you were right about Obama."
Not being satisfied with mere contrition, I asked him whether he was bs-ing me, and he said no, he meant it.
My friend spends half the year in Florida along with his similarly ancient friends. He's predicting a "Republican sweep" in November, although his dissatisfaction with Obama is not the result of a conversion to conservatism. He feels that Obama broke so many promises, and "he's just another politician."
If Obama has lost my friend, the Frank Rich-loving, Sarah Palin-hating greedy Democratic geezer that he is, the Democrats are in deep electoral trouble.
And please allow me to add with respect to Israel that I told you so.
Just for clarification, the Obama quote about 'nobody suffering more than the Palestinian people,' is incomplete. The transcript of the campaign event at which Obama spoke, published months later in the newspaper, indicates the complete quote (I'm paraphrasing) was: Nobody is suffering more than the Palestinian people from what Hamas does. Meaning: what Hamas does hurts the Palestinian cause.
Yes you certainly did. And I believe that I may have made a few comments here that painted even a worse picture about Obama in general and Israel and Jews in particular.
He's not done yet.
It'd be wonderful if the Republicans won back control of both houses of Congress in November. Let's hope and pray.
But the higher point is: For the good of America, Republicans have to DESERVE it, or it'll just be a rearranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic. America needs Republican leaders to do something meaningful along the lines of the "Contract with America", that conservative reformist Republicans, headed by Newt Gingrich, came up with in 1994.
What America does NOT need is for the Republicans to continue morphing into the "Democrat Lite" Party, just as the Conservatives in Britain have morphed into "Labour Lite".
You have no idea how depressing and discouraging it is to go into a voting booth, hold my nose and vote for Republican candidates as the somewhat lesser of the evils.
Will American Jews wake up from their liberal coma?
Ring me when they do!
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