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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Egged takes the ads down

Remember the ad on the Egged buses in Jerusalem that asked people to pray for the rebuilding of the Holy Temple? Well, it's gone. It was politically incorrect.

The Eretz Yisrael Shelanu (Our Land of Israel/The Land of Israel is Ours) movement's campaign to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem, which was launched ahead of the Passover holiday, was removed from the sides of 200 Egged buses in the capital during the last few days. When the movement called Egged to confirm that the campaign was being carried, it was told the ads had been removed because of pressure and threats. Canaan Bitenua' (Canaan in Motion), which holds the franchise for bus ads, added that the campaign qualified as a provocation.

Most of the buses in question run through predominantly-Arab eastern Jerusalem. The movement said that by yielding to pressure, Egged and Canaan have put themselves on the side of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization. The movement plans a damage suit against the two companies. Egged said ads were the responsibility of Canaan Bitenua'.
Freedom of speech? You mean there is such a thing in this country? I hadn't noticed.

I wonder what these people said at the end of the seder.


At 8:09 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

In Israel, there's always freedom of speech for the Left. That is "protected speech." Everything else is "incitement" and "racism." Try discussing a rational proposal for the transfer of Arabs in Israel. You can't - unless you want to land in prison there. Ditto for rebuilding the Temple.


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