Congressman from CAIR tweets 'disaster' stories from Gaza

During his one-day tour, rhe Congressman said that he did not discuss the plight of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit, held in captivity for nearly four years without visits from the International Red Cross. His condition is not known.And we all know how objective 'HRW' (Human Rights Watch) is, don't we?
Hamas said it was not aware of Ellison’s visit, but Gaza City officials arranged a protest by dozens of orphans, demanding an end to the partial blockade Israel placed on Gaza to prevent smuggling of weapons for terrorists.
Egypt also has blockade Gaza at the border, but Ellison called only for an end to the Israeli measures, which he called “mass punishment.”
Ellison used Twitter to send back home messages implying Israeli blame for individual crises among Arabs, despite Israel’s admitting dozens of Gaza Arab into Israeli hospitals every month,
“Hamza, 2, w/ brain tumor. Medical treatment slowed, delayed b/o blockade on Gaza. Parents very worried. HRW says 27 dies b/o medical delays,” read one of Ellison's Twitter messages.
By the way, with all those billions of dollars in aid money that have poured into Gaza in the last seventeen years, why haven't they built a decent hospital yet? Oh yeah, they're still busy with 'revolution.'
Anyone running against this moron in November?
Well, let's see... it just seems from a distance to come down to the world's muddled thinking about the rockets fired from Gaza and Lebanon into Israel. The breakfast table press either omits their existence altogether, or maybe mentions them in the tone in which you'd describe an engine backfiring in the distance. Someday, Israel will either plot out the engineering data on the rocket effects in urban settings and the investment necessary to minimize the casualties within the rockets' range. Or maybe the IDF can tell us supporters why they don't make the case (do they think it provides some sort of classified info?). To continue the silence results in probes regarding how far they can go with shutting down Israel. Remember your post yesterday:
"Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Israel against responding to rocket attacks from the Gaza strip."
The good news is that yesterday, six of them fell short and landed in Gaza. They can keep doing that all they want. Heh.
what blockade on the Egyptian border??
Oh, the above ground one!
the under ground border crossings have been running for what, 20+ years and I hear that they are driving 4x4's thru them now. How do they do that? I thought that Israel had bombed them all to pieces?
Where are the openings of the tunnels, anyway? there must be huge collection points and parking lots. And what about places on the shoreline for the shuttles to land bringing supplies ashore?
But no one can see these things is that?!
they must be invisible men, these Gazans
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