State Department slams Israel for housing starts in Pisgat Zev

The State Department slammed Israel on Monday for approving 600 new housing starts in the Jerusalem neighborhood of
Pisgat Zev.
The United States criticized Israel on Monday for authorizing 600 more housing units in the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev, describing the move as "counter-productive."
"We've relayed our strong concerns to the government of Israel, that this kind of activity, particularly as we try to relaunch meaningful negotiations is counter-productive and undermines trust between the parties," said State Department spokesman Philip Crowley.
Yadda, yadda, yadda. Given the number of those apartments that could eventually wind up in
Arab hands, you have to wonder why the State Department bothers to object.
"Given the number of those apartments that could eventually wind up in Arab hands, you have to wonder why the State Department bothers to object."
State has always played to Arab hands. That is the problem. The other problem is negative words and demands stick causing all kinds of big trouble for Israel. (The glue of course being revised history/lies)
The only thing that can change the landscape of who State plays to is a president who has courage to face off with state and a constituency who demands it.
During 8 years of Bush both with Powell and Rice, all kinds of scathing libels were lobed at Israel. Many who voted Bush in played make believe that his Secretaries of State acted alone. Most of our good friends never demanded Bush being the boss of said Powell and Rice do something to stop it!! That never happened, did it?
Matter of fact, same went for the UN where one lone Republican Senator from Minnesota had the courage to call out the UN. No one backed him in ways which would make a real difference, not even the president. Instead the president called for a quartet for peace hand selecting the UN as a member of the quartet to demand what Israel should or should not do.
Still all I hear is what a politician pledges is his or her word.
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