Let's be honest with the 'Palestinians'

Jennifer Rubin suggests that President Obama should be
honest with the 'Palestinians.'
Obama began his foray into the Middle East by declaring that it was essential to speak “honestly” with the parties and to say the same thing in public and private. Fair enough. But alas, he seems to have reserved all that honesty for the Israelis, for whom heritage programs, apartment buildings, and the blockade of Gaza are all taken as offenses against Palestinian sensibilities.
Rather than telling them that they’re victims of illegal settlements, Obama might do well to tell the Palestinians that they’re prisoners of their own victimology. And then, yes, when real honesty is in play, we might make some headway on that peace process.
I'd go a step further and tell the 'Palestinians' that their entire 'existence' as a separate 'people' was
created by their Arab brethren as a means of vitiating the Jewish State's existence, and that they'd be better served by owning up to the truth and looking to those Arab brethren for solutions to their situation.
This is an exercise in futility. You can't expect honesty from a dishonest person. In any case, Hussein is on the side of the Palithugs, as he is all Arabs (especially Sunnis). He indulges in taqiyya on behalf of the Muslim cause quite reflexively. Don't expect the Islamo-Marxist in the WH to change his ideology.
"I'd go a step further and tell the 'Palestinians' that their entire 'existence' as a separate 'people' was created by their Arab brethren as a means of vitiating the Jewish State's existence...."
So would I but wait, why does anyone think Obama should be honest (about that indisputable truth) when not one President before him has??
Lies are now truth. We can not be so ignorant to wonder how those lies are now etched in stone as truth? So many lies have been told to fluff up the enemies of Israel that at this point in time it is a waste of time thinking a president will come around with a fresh perspective for truth. Black gold, rampant inherent antisemitism, appeasement and downright fear for those who control the pumps trump honor and truth.
The last honest president was Woodrow Wilson who promised the Kurds, the largest homeless ethnic minority in the world, statehood. We see how far that went.
Fact remains no one cares because there is Israel to beat up even though that promise was made prior to Israel statehood. Israel is the vehicle to keep the Arab/Islamic world at bay. In the mean time Israel is the punching bag whose very existence is at stake. As for the the Kurds, the world has not forgotten but like Israel the Arab/Islamic Western bloc have seen to put the Kurdish issue to rest most likely forever.
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