Iran to seek seat on 'Human Rights Council'

The 'Human Rights Council' is holding elections in May and one of the candidates is likely to be the '
Islamic Republic of Iran.'
On Wednesday, Germany's Foreign Minister urged countries to vote against Iran saying having the human rights violator on the body would be an affront to human rights.
Actually, I hope that Iran wins. It would be the loudest and clearest statement possible that the 'Human Rights Council' is a fraud that couldn't care less about human rights.
I hope they get it.
I wouldn't be surprised if Iran was seated.
The time has long passed to stop the UN dead in their tracks. Norm Coleman the brave lone once Senator from Minnesota tried but didn't even get the support from the President he put into office. Coleman stood there like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar and that was that.
Oh, there were great op-eds and articles on how we must face off with the UN. There was not a day fox news did not do an interview on that subject. In the end, nothing came of it. All these people of power with great inspiring words stopped short. When push came to shove, it was all politics all the time.
The consequences of weakness, appeasement, hypocrisy and worse, politics as usual will always win out until we the voters demand otherwise.
When we stop basing a 'friend' on blind promises and illusions but in actions we will learn how much power we really have.
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