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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Arab League chief calls for war

At the Arab League summit in Libya on Saturday, Arab League chief Amr Mussa issued what was in essence a call for war on Israel.
The chief of the Arab League warned Saturday that Israel's actions could bring about a final end to the Middle East peace process.

Amr Moussa urged an Arab leadership summit in Libya on Saturday to forge a new strategy to pressure Israel, saying the peace process could not be "an open ended process."

“We must prepare for the possibility that the peace process will be a complete failure,” Moussa said. “This is the time to stand up to Israel. We must find alternative options, because the situation appears to have reached a turning point.”
It also seems that President Obumbler has succeeded in driving the Arabs into the arms of the Iranians. Although the mostly AP written article goes on to blame Israel for the Arabs seeking to engage Iran, the truth is that no one in this region has any confidence that the United States will stop Iran.

What could go wrong?


At 10:21 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

You just knew this had to be coming, didn't you?

Israel is damned if it does and Israel is damned if it doesn't. After 17 years, all Israel has to show for Oslo and all those painful concessions is the threat of another war down the road.

There may not be another war with the Arab World soon but Iran has every one in the region on edge.

What could go wrong indeed

At 10:27 PM, Blogger nomatter said...

Of course. Arab league can, just because. The worst part of it all the while the world ignores it and they yawn.

The Arab League will not be blamed, nor will Assad or Kadaffi for stirring the fire. It will be Israel.

Yesterday Berlusconi gave a Christian Fatwa just in time for Pesach. He ordered Israel to return the Golan. Friends, we have no friends.

When 'scapegoat' was written across our skulls, it was no joke.

from Pat Condell:

He may be an atheist but one of the most honest human beings on the earth today....as for the real reasons Jews are still so hated.

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Juniper in the Desert said...

Does he really want so bad to be thrashed again? Only this time with nuclear-tipped warheads?Israel should deliver the blow that they are gagging for.

As for Berlusconi, his country is completely under the islamic fist: he is just a puppet, a joke.

Be positive, everything changes.


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