Z Street to run counter-event to J Street at Penn Hillel

Pamela Geller reports that a new organization called Z Street, started by well-known political commentator and terrorism expert Laurie Lowenthal Marcus, will be running a counter event at Penn Hillel (apparently without the video hookups that J Street will unfortunately have to other cities) at the same time.
Two new organizations have entered the arena to claim title to the label “pro-Israel.” One of them is J Street, the multi-million dollar entity that sprang from the bosom of George Soros the billionaire enemy of Israel, and like-minded people. J Street’s novelty and unlimited dollars have enabled its manufacturers to put out a product branded “Pro-Israel and Pro-Peace,” when its real goal is to appease Israel’s enemies and have the current US administration impose an immediate Palestinian State in the region - because that’s what they think is best for the Palestinians.I urge those of you who are in the Philadelphia area to attend.
The other new organization, Z STREET, is a young start-up with little money but with a sword that slices through J Street’s mellifluous phrases and falsehoods - the truth.
Using its unlimited bank account including contributions from enemies of Israel, J Street will be webcasting from Philadelphia to its satellite “locals.” This corporate roll-out builds on the base J Street acquired when it completed its takeover of Brit Tzedek V’Shalom - an older and poorer organization, one much less slick but at least honest about its commitment to give Israel’s terrorist enemies what they want.
Z STREET, the unabashedly Zionist group, is also having an event at the same time and in the same building. According to Z STREET founder Lori Lowenthal Marcus, “Our event, in contrast, isn’t intended to seduce people with smoke and money.”
“Instead,” Marcus explains, “Z STREET will expose the “Presto Palestine” peace plan, advocated by J Street, as a foolhardy disaster which would, if acted on, spell catastrophe for Israel, further destabilize the Middle East, and encourage the enemies of the West throughout the world.”
Dr. Mitchell Bard, author of “Myths and Facts” and director of the “Jewish Virtual Library” will be the featured Z STREET speaker.
Read the whole thing. Hillel's role in all this is nothing short of disgraceful.
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