What if Feiglin wins?

But what I want to know is about the “independence from America” part. Which America? The current, transient New York City zeitgeist of dark-wing late-night comics like David Letterman and Tina Fey, New York Times lifestyle columnists such as Frank Rich and Manhattan’s resident avatar, that great, aging emperor penguin, Bill Clinton? Or that of Auschwitz survivor, Elie Wiesel, Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Pastor John Hagee of San Antonio?Here's my gut on this, and I know I have at least one reader out there (who arranged my interview with Feiglin last year) who knows Feiglin well and will correct me if I am wrong.
Attitudes of support for Israel vary on a spectrum. Probably many are like Thomas Friedman, the Times columnist, who supported the invasion of Iraq and even suggested American boots on the ground in Israel and throwing France off the U.N. Security Council. Then he changed his mind and started talking about India.
Pastor Hagee’s America is a different place, and it is alienating and unacknowledged in the Clinton outlook. Hagee sees a biblical life-or-death conflict in Israel. Passing through the cable channels recently, I saw both Elie Wiesel and Rick Perry sitting on his couch.
As journalist Max Blumenthal writes (on 10/29/09): “On October 25, while an overflow crowd of 1,500 poured into the first convention of the progressive-leaning Israel-oriented lobbying organization J Street, Elie Wiesel, addressed a crowd of 6,000 Christian Zionists at Pastor John Hagee’s ‘Night To Honor Israel.’ According to the San Antonio Express News, while Wiesel sat by his side, Hagee trashed President Barack Obama, baselessly accusing him of ‘being tougher on Israel than on Russia, Iran, China and North Korea.’ ”
First, much as I would love to see Feiglin become the Likud leader, I don't see it happening - yet. Feiglin got just under a quarter of the vote last time. This time, I see him pushing towards 40% and maybe even taking Bibi to a runoff, but the powers that be will find a way to keep Feiglin from winning. This time.
Second, when Feiglin talks about 'independence from America,' he means independence from the diktats that American administrations impose on us in order to maintain their relations with their Arab allies. The Obama administration is not the first to try to pressure us and they won't be the last. For example, if Feiglin were Prime Minister now, we would not have a 'settlement freeze.' If Feiglin had been Prime Minister in 2007, there would have been no Annapolis. Feiglin is about the Jewish state (emphasis on Jewish) determining its best course of action based on its laws and traditions. Nothing more and nothing less.
Third, as I noted when I interviewed him last year, Feiglin has no ego. Quigley assumes that if Feiglin's Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership) faction were to take over the Likud, Feiglin would become party leader. That is not necessarily the case. But you can bet that whoever did become the party leader would share Feiglin's commitment to a Jewish state based on Jewish values.
Finally, curiously, I got to this post through a Tweet from none other than Moshe Feiglin. Maybe that means he will react to this post (the Hill's - not mine. Katonti (I am too small)) in his weekend email to his supporters. If so, I will let you know.
He's on of those rare individuals in Israel who really does believe in a Jewish State based on pride and self respect. That's precisely the reason the Likud establish does not want to see him become party leader. Not because Feiglin extreme but because he's good a Jew for them to fit in with the Israeli establishment.
That said, we do wish him all the best.
Two points. First of all, the way things are going now, it looks like Netanyahu may abandon the Likud altogether and bring his cronies with him, basically leaving it to Feiglin and banking on the hope that the party will collapse. See my post on this on manhigut.blogspot.com. Of course, it won't.
Second, Feiglin may have no ego - that I do agree with. But he is going to be the one to lead the party and the country. There simply is no other option. His whole motivation is במקום שאין אנשים - and really, there is no one else.
I believe that if he stays as humble as he is and doesn't let a victory go to his head, he may just be able to push Jewish history along to its climax.
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