North Korea resumes military aid to Syria

For the first time since Israel bombed Syria's North Korean-built al-Kibar nuclear reactor in September 2007, North Korea has
resumed military aid to Syria.
For the first time since the Syrian reactor was bombed in September 2007, North Korea has renewed its supply of sensitive military technology to Damascus, according to a report Tuesday in Japanese business newspaper, Nikkei.
Western intelligence sources told the newspaper that North Korea is aiding Syria in the production of maraging steel, which is extremely durable at high heats and pressure. It is typically used in missile skins, ballistic warheads, and gas centrifuges critical in the uranium enrichment process. Its durability and malleability makes it ideal to for creating thin missile skins capable of carrying heavier payloads.
The West and Japan restrict the export of maraging steel.
According to the report, a production line for the material was built at the military factory in the city of Homs, in northern Syria.
North Korea, in defiance of the West, does not restrict its export of the special nickel-alloy steel, and has supplied Syria with a melting furnace and molding tools necessary for making the steels at their Homs plant.
The report reveals that North Korean experts are training Syrian engineers how to produce the specialized steel. Sources told the newspaper that the production line will be complete if equipment for handling waste and for chemical tests and other analyses are supplied.
What could go wrong?
Hi Carl.
Is it for Syria or is Syria just a go between for Iran .
We have a saying "Farmer beware of your eggs when the fox preaches about peace" .
I'm not fooled by Iran's offer to comply.
North Korea can, because they can. Ditto Syria.
As the days pass I have lost almost all respect for all politicians and world leaders.
Face it, no matter if we shun them aid them or use idiotic diplomacy with them, in 2010 there should be zero tolerance for regimes like N. Korea, Syria, Iran and all the rest we continue placate and put up with...
This crap of not flexing our muscles with real bite the way we should has been going on forever. To come to this point I hold our leaders, past and present responsible for where we stand today.
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