Unbelievably anti-Semitic C-Span clip

This is an unbelievably anti-Semitic clip containing an interview with Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA's Bin Laden unit. Just unbelievable.
To go to the videotape, click
here (Hat Tip:
The David Project via Twitter).
I'm amazed that this hasn't been reported SOMEWHERE. Well, maybe I shouldn't be so amazed anymore...
I read his book. It was largely a cover for the CIA on why bin Laden's plot was missed and a fanatical "lets go get them" on what the CIA did to overthrow Afghanistan.
Michael Scheuer is a leftist. The CIA wanted nothing to do with me but they hired schmucks like him. No wonder the agency is like the three men trying to figure out the elephant - and why it couldn't find Bin Laden. And yeah, its all the Jooos' fault!
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