Mazen ball soup?

Diplomatic officials revealed earlier in the week that Barak had spoken to Abbas this week, but they gave the impression that the two spoke by phone. Barak's spokesman said on Sunday that he would be "on vacation" for those two days.Abu Mazen is under pressure from the United States to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Although he refuses to meet Netanyahu, he has apparently spoken with both Shimon Peres and Ehud Barak recently.
When reporters in the Knesset cafeteria asked him where he was on those days, Barak declined to answer and merely muttered something about his soup. Later in the conversation, he expressed confidence that the Netanyahu government would succeed in moving the peace process forward.
Asked about Barak's whereabouts, the Defense Ministry issued a flat "no comment," while security officials raised the possibility of Jordan or that he went with National Security Adviser Uzi Arad to India.
An associate of Abbas said he was with him on Sunday in Jordan and accompanied him to the airport on Monday and Barak did not meet with him.
What could go wrong?
There may have been "off the record" meetings but apparently no progress was made. Abu Bluff wants Israel to give his side everything it wants before he will agree to sit down at the table again. It looks like Israel refused to pledge that as a commitment.
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