Sarah Palin does it again

Palin, whose book, "Going Rogue: An American Life," hit bookshelves today, took aim at the Obama administration's stance on Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories.I saw the book all over the place on Tuesday and Wednesday. But there's no index so I couldn't find what she has written about Israel, if anything.
"I disagree with the Obama administration on that," Palin told Walters. "I believe that the Jewish settlements should be allowed to be expanded upon, because that population of Israel is, is going to grow. More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead. And I don't think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand."
But I'm not surprised. Although she's been brutalized by the leftist media in the US, Sarah Palin seems to have her head on pretty straight (and for those of you who want to criticize her about her daughter, you've probably never raised a teenager - they do what they want once they get to a certain age).
I actually thought that she came across as poorly-informed. Unfortunately, Jews aren't "flocking" here, certainly not in big numbers anyway.
When asked whether expanding settlements on Palestinian land was stealing/wrong she merely repeated her prior statement without addressing the claim as the fallible lie that it truly is.
My penny's worth.
for me, instinctively, she is Jeanne d'Arc Take it or leave it...
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