Israeli Jews oppose US interference on 'settlements' 2-1

About three-fourths of the Israeli Jewish public currently supports holding negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians-the highest level of support registered in recent years on the War and Peace Index. At the same time, the public is divided on the question of whether freezing construction in the settlements is important or unimportant for a breakthrough in the talks with the Palestinians: 47% think the freeze is important and 50% that it is unimportant. A majority of two-thirds, compared to one-third, also oppose the United States pressuring Israel on this issue. As expected, among those favoring negotiations, the majority (57%) thinks the freeze is important and 37% that it is unimportant. However, among those who oppose negotiations this majority contracts; 93% of them say the freeze is unimportant. Yet, on the question of American pressure, even among the supporters of negotiations a clear majority of 57.5% opposes such pressure (38% support it and the rest take no position). Not surprisingly, almost everyone (91%) among the opponents of negotiations opposes such pressure.The survey also asked whether respondents believed President Obumbler is pro-'Palestinian,' pro-Israel or neutral. Amazingly, 8% now believe that he is pro-Israel.
What could go wrong?
Obama has managed to double his support in Israel despite the absence of evidence of real change in his policies? That's disturbing.
Yes, but....
Recall that the margin of error in the previous poll was 4.5%, so this is still within that margin.
Saint Michael Traveler:
The issue of Jerusalem is complex and can not be decided by Israel or the United States. This city is religious holy city belonging to Jews, Muslims and Christians. This city should not be controlled by a theocratic Jewish state; in that case, it should be an open international city.
What are the options for the Arabs-Jewish region?
The two-state models for Palestine and Israel
Federal State of Israel-Palestine
The two-state models for Palestinian and Israeli is not working. Many experts on the Middle Eastern politics and people indicate that a two state solution in not viable model. We have struggled with it for nearly 60 years. The advocates for one-state solution stress that under a two-state solution, Jerusalem can not be the capital of Israel.
Practically the region is one State. Israel controls the entire region in air and on the ground. Non-Jewish residents are tolerated as less than second class inhabitants. Both Jewish and Palestinians have paid a high price for a failed two-state system; we have to consider the human side of the Israeli-Jewish struggle for a lasting peace. Should we Americans, or the people of the world allow how Israel treats non-Jewish people and other nations... killing them, destroying their homes, taking over their land, and placing them in slavery, like how Palestinians have been treated last 60 years?
The chance for creating a two state solution is dead. I suggest that only as one nation, Federal State of Israel-Palestine, the peace may endure. We, Americans, have failed to see the both side of the struggle for a lasting peace. As Semitic people, they have common historical and religious heritage.
Those who advocate one-state solution as a Federal State would also suggest Jerusalem as the capital of the Federation.
A federal state won't work in Israel any more than it did in Yugoslavia. The differences are too wide and there is no common ground on which Jews and Arabs can meet to create a single state. Islamic supremacism is the biggest obstacle to it and Jews don't want to live again as a merely a tolerated minority in their own country. They've done done that in Exile for thousands of years. As far as peace plans go, a federal state in Israel is a pipe dream.
Response to NormanF:
Is not the region practically one State? Israel controls the entire region in air and on the ground; de facto the region is one state, controlled by the Jewish population. Whenever the non-Jewish inhabitants are emancipated, then the whole process of one-state region would be complete.
The United State is a society created from populations widely different in the origin, language, religions and some former enemies. I assert that the Jewish population in the United States is at home like the rest of the population. Our President is a member of the American minority. Did you forget that in the Unites States we had a Jewish American candidate for Vic-President?
Yes, one-state is the only solution; the two-state is not an option at present!
Did you forget that in the Unites States we had a Jewish American candidate, Senator Joe Lieberman for Vice-President?
What does Joe Lieberman have to do with anything?
Israel is not America. America is fortunate not to know the meaning of the words 'ethnic conflict.' But Israel and Northern Ireland and the former Yugoslavia all know the meaning well. Ethnic conflicts cannot be resolved by any normal means (and Northern Ireland now is probably about as stable as Yugoslavia was in the '80's). They continue until one party or the other wins or until the land is divided.
In Israel, where the Arabs are committed to wiping us out and not allowing a Jewish state on 'holy Muslim land,' there is no such thing as a 'one-state solution.' Or at least not one in which Jews and Muslims will live together.
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