ADL slams Obama's buddy for Jewish conspiracy theory

The U.S.-based Anti-Defamation League cited statements made by ousted President Manuel Zelaya as well as the news director of a radio station that was closed by the interim government in Honduras and by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, among others.The interim government denies having received assistance from Israelis or the Israeli government, but even if it had received assistance from individual Israelis it would not justify the kinds of stories that Zelaya and his supporters have been spreading.
Most of the comments repeat widely circulated rumors that Israeli soldiers - or in some versions, mercenaries - worked with the troops backing interim President Roberto Micheletti, allegedly supplying some form of tear gas used at the embassy and providing other assistance.
The Jewish group also criticized Chavez for claiming at the United Nations that Israel is the only country to recognize the coup-installed government, something Micheletti's administration has denied.Again, if Israel had recognized Micheletti's government, there would be nothing wrong with it. There are many people who believe that would be the right thing to do, including many non-Jewish Americans.
The ADL also cited an interview with The Miami Herald in which Zelaya said that "Israeli mercenaries are torturing him with high-frequency radiation."
And it seems that at least one of Zelaya's key supporters is self-hating semi-Jew.
Among the remarks criticized by the ADL is a statement by David Romero, news director of Radio Globo, which supports Zelaya.I'm sure you're all as not shocked by that as I was. Someone ought to tell the moron that if that comment reflects his true feelings (as it probably does) then an apology is woefully insufficient.
On Sept. 25, commenting on the rumors alleging Israeli involvement in the crisis, Romero referred on air to the "famous Holocaust" and added that "I believe it should have been fair and valid to let Hitler finish his historic vision."
Romero apologized for the remarks Sunday in an interview with The Associated Press, saying that they were "stupid" statements made in the heat of the moment and that don't reflect his real views.
He said his grandfather was a Jewish immigrant from Czechoslovakia who came to Honduras to escape persecution in Europe.
"I apologize to the Jewish community here and throughout the world," Romero said.
I admire the people of Honduras for sticking with Michelletti. I believe that all freedom-loving people should admire them. After that election in January, I hope Israel will be the first country to recognize the new government.
Am I saying that Barack Obama isn't freedom-loving? It's about time you figured that out.
Joos, Joos, Joos everywhere!
worse is this mischievous democrat Pollak spewin hate toward Eretz Israel on Husain Soetoro aka Obamas website
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