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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Video: Rahm Emanumel (a satire)

A reader whose English is not that good sent me this video satire about Rahm Emanuel, which is quite well done, but is Hebrew only at present. If any of you are fluent Hebrew speakers and would be willing to translate it into English, maybe we can get it close-captioned for the Hebrew impaired.

Let's go to the videotape.


There is now a translation of this video available here.

A few lines:
"I had a complex already in my childhood because at school they called me a Jew. And therefore I'll prove that more than anyone, Rahm Emanuel will screw Israel. They say that I am not an antisemite but that alarms me for if I am not an antisemite, who am I at all?"

And the chorus repeats that refrain but adds: "And they all say that he's just a f*cking' Jew and that bothers him, for if not, then who is he at all?"

"And who is Obama's aide? Who is the best? - Rahm Emanulemel!"

"Now that I have power, the games are over. Everyone will fear and tremble before me. Obama has a kapo-on-the-house - and so to the "settlers" we'll say: 'Juden raus'.

Chorus section repeated.
The rest of it is here.


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nah-ah! I ain't translating those expletives!


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