'Activist' discusses how J Street is attempting to destroy Israel
Here's an interview with Harvey Schwartz, chairman of the American Israeli Action Coalition, in which he discusses the recent revelations regarding the support and funding for the anti-Israel lobby J Street. Let's go to the videotape.
I can see Schwartz's point, but thought the kapo comment was gratuitous. There's no saying how any of us would act in such circumstances. J Street may be idiots and corrupt, but calling them kapos is going too far, IMHO.
After watching the "Grey Zone" my view of the capos changed. They were forced to do things no normal human being would have done and Auschwitz was not a place governed by normal rules. Jews did unspeakable things just to remain alive. We can't judge them by rules that make sense in a rational world but not in one in which evil holds sway. That said, there is a difference between Jews acting under German compulsion to harm their fellow Jews and Jews who of their own free will act against Israel. The capos had no choice in the matter; the J-Street Jews do. Let's be sure to keep that difference in mind.
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