'Some of the steps [Obama] has taken are borderline anti-Semitic'

The Monday JPost has an interview with Daniel Herschkowitz, the chairman of HaBayit HaYehudi (the Jewish Home), one of two 'national religious' parties in the previous election and the only one who went into the coalition (they would likely argue that they were the only national religious party in the last election, but I'm not going there). Herschkowitz guarantees that he is going to stay in the coalition because Prime Minister Netanyahu is not going to yield to President Obama on the 'natural growth' of the Jewish cities and towns in Judea and Samaria.
"From my own talks with the prime minister, I can say confidently that I don't think he will freeze natural growth in the settlements," Herschkowitz said. "I am sure he is in favor of allowing natural growth, but he must navigate smartly and walk between the rain drops to ensure that he will get along with the American administration."Herschkowitz also tore into President Obama for awarding the Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson.
Herschkowitz suggested that an arrangement could be found that could allow construction in the settlements to continue without public acknowledgment.
He said this would be preferable to the opposite scenario of press reports of settlement construction when in fact there is none.
"I am disappointed in Obama's policies," Herschkowitz said. "Some of the steps he has taken, like giving a medal to Mary Robinson, are borderline anti-Semitic. Israel is an independent state. Relations with the US are important, but relations must go both ways. I don't know if Obama understands it, but most Americans believe that Israel is their only anchor in the Middle East."I hope Herschkowitz is right and that Netanyahu will not give in to Obama on 'natural growth.' But what if Herschkowitz is wrong?
By the way, I agree with Herschkowitz's assessment of the awarding of the Medal of Freedom to Mary Robinson. But anyone who had their eyes and ears open in 2007 and 2008 should not have been surprised at Obama's 'borderline anti-Semitic' acts.
Shmuel Rosner slams Herschkowitz for calling Obama an anti-Semite here.
Shmuel Rosner is wrong. A lot of the talback disagreed wit him. Herschkowitz is not entitled to his opinion? It may be he spoke off the cuff but I would rather an Israeli leader was honest about the US policy towards Israel than try to hide things for the sake of appearances. There is no getting over the fact Obama is not friendly towards Israel. Its gotten beyond the point that diplomatic restraint will alter his attitude towards the Jewish State.
Mr Obama, likewise other western leaders is showing, either ignorance or cynical way of behaviour towards Israel's interests when he takes position of asking Israel to "get peace" with Arab countries befor they do the very basic thing: recognizing and accepting Iarael as a Jewish state on the land which has been belong to the Jews, thousands years ago.
The Swedish lies is not a new issue in the Christian world and we have to respond, aggressively, in the political field.
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