Obama's colonial governor and how Netanyahu should respond

In Friday's Jerusalem Post, Caroline Glick reports on President Obama's efforts to install
George Mitchell as our colonial governor.
Obama shares [National Security Adviser James] Jones's view that Israel's perception of its security needs is exaggerated. As he made clear in his speeches last week at Cairo and Buchenwald, Obama thinks that Israel suffers from a Holocaust-induced paranoia that causes it to wrongly believe that Arabs and Iranians wish to wipe it off the map. In Obama's view, Israel's fears can be dealt with, and a Middle East peace can be wrought through a US takeover of both Israel's security assessments and its military and intelligence operations and policies.
To this end, and in line with Jones's 2008 report, according to last Friday's Yediot Aharonot, the administration is building an apparatus designed to prevent Israel from exercising independent judgments about its tactical and strategic challenges and deny it the ability to secure its interests without US involvement and consent.
The apparatus reportedly includes members of every US security, foreign policy and intelligence body. These officers will be stationed in Israel and will report to Mitchell, who in turn will report to Jones and Obama. Each officer will be assigned to coordinate with Israeli counterparts in mirror organizations, including the IDF, the Shin Beit, the Mossad, the police and every other relevant Israeli body.
Since there is no polite way for Israel to reject this effective US bid to subvert its capacity to make independent decisions, the most urgent dilemma the Netanyahu government must solve is how to handle Mitchell's new supreme headquarters in Jerusalem.
Glick has a great idea for how Netanyahu should handle Mitchell.
To this end, in his policy speech at Bar-Ilan University's Begin-Sadat Center on Sunday, Netanyahu should announce that in the interests of fostering cooperation with the US and advancing prospects for peace, he is appointing a special prime ministerial envoy to Obama's special presidential envoy Mitchell. This envoy - and his purposely inflated staff - should be charged with handling all contacts with Mitchell and his staff and reporting all of their suggestions to Netanyahu for his consideration.
Read the whole thing. Heh.
Actually Carl, that idea is not Carolines'... It's Bolton's, he specifically stated that the main purpose Mitchell was to subvert the PM's power by making him answerable to an appointed henchman. While creating this exclusive position redraws the power boundaries and puts Mitchell back in his place...
Just kick out Mitchell or if that is not possible, refuse to issue visas for his highly inflated staff. And inform the US that Mitchell with have to deal on his own with a low ranking diplomat at the Foreign Ministry and he will handle his requests in the order they are received. Let's see then how long one man can hold out in the face of petty bureaucratic procedure.
Imio - this is closer to truth than one might think. Look at what Obama did to Britain by putting the Chinese Muslim Uighurs in Bermuda. Not so much as a "by your leave". Obama is taking the "Leader of the Free World" seriously and doing what ever he pleases wherever he pleases. He as much as said to Britain, "Tough, I've made new friends." I'm certain he views Israel as even less worthy of consideration.
Although Jerusalem is the eternal capitol of Israel, it is still disputed territory. Mitchell should place his office in a town undeniably within recognized boundaries. I think Sderot should get the honor of hosting Mitchell and his staff.
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