'Don't know much about history'

Let's go to the videotape.
The United States has a President who doesn't know much about history. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.Victor Davis Hanson goes through a long list of historical mistakes that the Obumbler made in his Cairo address last Thursday. Here are two of my favorites.
In reference to Iraq, President Obama promised that “no system of government can or should be imposed upon one nation by any other.” Is he unaware that the United States imposed democracies after World War II?I've been waiting for a week for someone to point out Germany and Japan.
After the defeat of German Nazism, Italian fascism, and Japanese militarism, Americans — by force — insisted that these nations adopt democratic governments, for both their own sakes and the world’s. Indeed, it is hard to think of too many democratic governments that did not emerge from violence — including our own.
Obama also stated: “For centuries, black people in America suffered the lash of the whip as slaves and the humiliation of segregation. But it was not violence that won full and equal rights.”
With all due respect to our president, this assertion is again not fully accurate. The only thing that ended slavery in the United States was the Civil War, which saw some 600,000 Americans — the vast majority of them white — lost in a violent struggle to ensure that nearly half the country would not remain a slave-owning society. Also, the massive urban riots of the 1960s and 1970s were certainly violent.
Read the whole thing.
Original version by Sam Cooke, followed by Herman's Hermits, the latter being my childhood recollection of the song.
Your title here is a line from this song:
Good observations on the speech, appropriate music. Keep up the good work and Shabbat Shalom.
Love of the Land
Obama thinks he knows enough about the world that it will fall in love with the US. So far no one's returning all the wooing.
What could go wrong indeed
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