If anyone still thinks the US will save Israel from an Iranian nuke...

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates predicted North Korea would launch a missile soon and said there's nothing the United States can do about it.If the United States
"I would say we're not prepared to do anything about it," said Gates during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday."
The United States and countries in Asia have been closely monitoring activity in North Korea after learning that the communist country had begun placing a Taepodong 2 missile at a launch facility. North Korea says the missile will be used to launch a communications satellite in early April. But the technology for a satellite deployment can also be used to launch a ballistic missile, and that's why the U.S. and allies have expressed concern that North Korea might test its ability to reach the United States with a missile.
Gates reiterated that concern on Sunday. "I don't know anyone at a senior level in the American government who does not believe this technology is intended to mask the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile," he said.
We Israelis should consider ourselves lucky that Olmert's term in office mostly coincided with Bush's term in office and not with Obama's. Olmert and Obama are birds of feather: The chicken.
As I have always been fond of observing, the idea behind Zionism is Jewish self-reliance. The world didn't build the Jewish State and defend Israel. Jews did. And its time to take that lesson again to heart in our time. No one else will save Israel from Iran.
"the world didn't build the Jewish State and defend Israel"?
I guess I may be wrong, but I though it was Allenby in 1917 who kicked took Jerusalem from the Turks, I thought it was Balfour who made the declaration, I thought there was help from Britain and France in 1956, from the US in 1967, and especially in 1973...
Israel did it all by yourselves?
Fine, maybe the US should sending you guys billions of $$$ if you don't even have the decency to acknowledge our help.
"the world didn't build the Jewish State and defend Israel"?
I guess I may be wrong, but I though it was Allenby in 1917 who kicked took Jerusalem from the Turks, I thought it was Balfour who made the declaration, I thought there was help from Britain and France in 1956, from the US in 1967, and especially in 1973...
Israel did it all by yourselves?
Fine, maybe the US should sending you guys billions of $$$ if you don't even have the decency to acknowledge our help.
*cough* the UN put built it *cough*
Just a thought but if the U.S. were prepared to stop a hostile missile launch would it be wise to announce that little fact to an already pissed off North Korea? The mission is to avoid hostilities after all. Of course I could be wrong, we could be completely unprepared to defend the thousand of U.S. troops and citizens in South Korea. Just as we could be unprepared to defend the American citizens in Israel.
it would be a welcome change if Israel decided to fight its imagined enemies. Let's see how eager the war-mongering class in Israel will pursue countless wars if they are not underwritten by our tax dollars. Militarily you might overcome Iran, but Iran is no Palestine...you will regret dearly any attack on them.
it would be a welcome change if Israel decided to fight its imagined enemies. Let's see how eager the war-mongering class in Israel will pursue countless wars if they are not underwritten by our tax dollars. Militarily you might overcome Iran, but Iran is no Palestine...you will regret dearly any attack on them.
The best thing for Israel to do is
to announce their loaded with nukes
and will send Iran to the stone age
if ever attacked.
the israeli racists have nuclear weapons already........the iranians are not foolish.....get over your siege mentality....i'm from belfast.....you remind me of loyalists there and white south africans.......you're always persecuted....poor victims...we Irish have been occupied 900 years.......millions starved in famine and forced emigration...but even now we try to make peace with our enemies...life is too short ...we're on a small rock spinning at 17000 miles an hour around one star amongst billions.....no one is the chosen ones ...how arrogant and ignorant.......grow up.........there is no god!
i wish that israel would nuke iran into the stoneage, and get a few liberals in wash. dc at the same time...and maybe one to syria just for good measure....jimi
as far as the missle problem goes the un should sanction every thing it can on north korea ,then if that doesnt work then all of the un members including china and the ussr oops i mean the Russian Federation (hehe)should get togather and kick north korea's ass right off the planet, after that tell iran they are next ,But we all know that will not happen because, it all has to do with economics (money oil gold ect.ect) as far as being chicken goes it goes to show whos calling the kettle black,The united states as done more for this ungreatful world than anybody in history.So any big mouth idot who calls the us chicken can in my opinion can kiss my american ass,Oh yea call the armed services of the UNITED STATES chicken I would like for you to say that to anyone of them on a battle field see how long you hold those words in front of them.Get ready to eat them or maybe stuffed up your aas for sure
Give Isreal back to the Arabs and turn a thriving economy back into the desert they made of it. These whiners can't run an oil well even after being educated in the west. Their uninformed supporters might read instead of guzzling ale and searching for the "little people." May Israel desroy her enemies and kick average world IQ up several SD's.
Russia (USSR--yes it still exists in spirit) and China will never allow the US to even THINK of the idea of bombing DRNK. The reality is this: S. Korea represents the interests of US, as does Japan. DRNK represents the interests of USSR and China. A balance must be maintained. The same holds true in the middle east. Syria and Iran represent the interests of China and USSR. Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, these two superpowers held enormous influence over more than 60% of the region's natural resources. The US in it's infinite arrogance decided that it was time to pay the piper for supporting the so called State of Israel for over 55 years, and forcefully tipped the balance in their favour. The reality is, USSR and China will continue to allow and assist Iran in developing nuclear technology for both peaceful and military purposes. Whether or not we like it, if the Jewish people attempt any attack of this calibre, they will have signed their own death warrant. USSR and China will pitch in to teach them a lesson for attempting to jeopardize their interests. Do you really think Bin Laden is behind the "insurgency" in Iraq? The Russians finance it covertly through Iran. Iran essentially is one of their pawns in this never ending proxy war between USA and USSR. The cold war never ended. It was just silenced after a long time of it being high profile.
MuslimK21 is the only one here who makes sense. Absolutely correct, the Cold War is alive and well; he is right that the USSR's pawn in this chess game is Iran. Israel will be the loser if it ever tries to take on Iran, whether or not it ever admits to having the nukes we all know about anyway. Israel is the albatross around the US neck and we pay too much for that fact.
muslimk21 said: "Do you really think Bin Laden is behind the "insurgency" in Iraq? The Russians finance it covertly through Iran."
Interesting theory. Have anything to back it up? It's no secret that Russia has interests in Iran, but do you have any evidence that Russia is directly financing the insurgency? I mean directly. I don't mean that Russia gives Iran some money and Iran turns around and uses that money to fund the insurgency. I want you to show me that this is a part of Russian foreign policy and not wild speculation.
Ishmael has always been after Irael,s inheritance aside from their own, and nothing has changed in eon,s the BIBLE tells us what to expect,but Muslims do try to serve GOD, all will be revealed soon, and WE will ALL make our own loyalties known soon- U.S. and otherwise! GOD will recompense!!!!
Yes, it's possible. But not likely in the current climate in Washington.
Airborne Ranger,
We'll be happy to finish our wars if the World will stay out of them. Most Israelis feel that our government should have finished the job in Gaza by toppling Hamas. But the Hopenchange administration didn't want a war here on inauguration day.
We too tried making peace with our enemies. They were offered half of this land (or more) in 1929, 1947, 1967 and 2000, even though they didn't deserve it. Each time they said no. Sometimes, to make peace, one side first has to win a clear victory. Think World War II - if Germany and Japan had not been forced to surrender, we would still be fighting it.
And by the way, what happened to those British cops last week?
I would NEVER call the US armed forces chicken. I have nothing but respect and admiration for them.
The "chicken" reference was only to the current American President and the current (but God willing only until tomorrow) Israeli Prime Minister.
And as an American citizen living in Israel, I have nothing but respect, admiration and gratitude for all America does and has done for this country. But maybe it's time to take us off our leash and let us work together as equals.
My Israeli friend, you seem to be under the impression that it is our (America's) job to protect you from harm. It isn't, we are doing you a favor and you should be grateful. I believe that if you were not under our wings you would not be making so much noise. We give you 10-20 billion a year in cash and military hardware. What more do you want? We owe you nothing so please get your hands out of our pockets.
I have no love for the Arabs but our sympathy for Israel is wearing thin as well. Please do not insult our leaders because running a country is not easy. Bush was a "chicken" until September 11, 2001. Obama will have his defining moment someday too. However, it will NOT be in defense of Israel.
Palistine are both greedy and 'unforsite', selling their land to the jewish association. A saying of my people said 'you don't sleep while you have fire on your roof'. Knowing your past is, to me, the best preparation for the future. Now they are struggling to get back what they sold cheaply.
Israel is a Sham, a con state and a thief. 'Honour Among Thief' in another language is a truce.
Iran? Well, too much noise and bad ethics left much to be desire.
Let this honour be acknowledge, the thief and the greedy owner are the same, let not make fuse over a burnt offering.
I'm of the opinion that the Obama administration is not going to act in Israel's interests and that the next four years are going to be tough.
I'm praying we don't have to go to war against Iran but I am afraid that Russia and America will push us in that direction (Russia, as I believe it is the greatest threat to world peace thanks to its persistence in maintaining a vigourous USSR-style foreign policy; and the US because, well because of the Obama admin which is somewhat blinded by its anti-Semitic advisors).
First of all, it's nowhere near $10-20 billion per year. It's more like about $3 billion per year, much of which comes back to the US in the form of purchases of military hardware. The $10-20 billion (I think it was $10 billion) were loan guarantees from the early '90's on which we are still drawing, and on which the US has never had to pay one red cent.
But that's beside the point.
We all appreciate that it's not the United States' job to protect us. All we ask with respect to Iran is freedom to act.
I would not have called George Bush a chicken before 9/11. He also wasn't running around appeasing America's enemies before 9/11. Iran is as much America's enemy (and the enemy of the entire West) as it is Israel's. You'd be fools not to see that. We are the proverbial canaries in the coal mine.
I am surprised that, given so many commenters - 19 of them - 9 of them started in March 2009 and have no formal blogs, nor postings.
In fact, there seems to be only 1 blogger - russe1 - and the total postings from all other bloggers other than he is a total of 2.
That is mysterious.
Iran is not a threat to Israel. Iran will be and has always been its on worst enemy in the eyes of the world they are only minor players than can be ignored.
Israel on the other hand is such a challenge for the world because of its Zionist reputation and the hatred leveled against them because of the Palestinian situation.
I know now that we as Americans have wasted way too much time and effort trying to get the middle east to come to some type of a reasonable solution.
Its not possible and I feel glad to wash my hands of it and feel that the US gov will also, as soon as possible.
Good luck to all the people there that have wanted peace, but will never see it.
If anyone still thinks the US will save Israel from an Iranian nuke... Don't hold your breath. The salvation and protection of Isreal comes from GOD Almighty. Don't depend on anyone else or you will be sorely disappointed.
It totally amazes me how we Americans have this sense of who and what makes up the Israeli culture. Let's let someone comes in and kill 3,000,000 of us and see how we react. Just look how BUSH and his little PUPPETS acted when the Twin Towers were destroyed. Tell me now, since we lost 3,000 people (since no one knows the true number), that his adminstration and most of out public, acted anyway that is any different from Israel is doing in protecting her poeple. We are not under the constant threat of bombings,
kidnappings, or just being shot on the street. Since the Allies created the Jewish state they have a resposibility to protect and defend their ally if they put out the call for help. So yes, I do think that the United States will always have the State of Israel under their umbrella, unless they do something WAY out of terms of humanity.
Iran, Israel, whatever. I'm
SICK of these crappy countries being the source of all the worlds hostilities. THERE IS NO GOD! THERE! All your claims to divine right, Jihad, Promised land, Chosen People are a bunch of stone age BS and should have NO relevance as far as modern policy go.I think its past time to end all aid to Israel, the Palestinians, Egypt, etc and let the chips fall. If a couple of places become a hot radioactive parking lot so be it.
Bobby J. Layne,
The current US government has NO desire to wash its hands of this region. It has made one of its top priorities the creation of a 'Palestinian' reichlet.
Jacob Buck,
You are 100% correct.
Baller Boy,
You are also 100% correct. Imagine if the US were attacked constantly from Canada or Mexico. Would you react any differently than we have? Hey - at the rate things are going, you may soon be attacked from Mexico (see yesterday's post on why the next 9/11 may come from Mexico).
Carl: This might be the reason for the sudden burst of weird anti-Israel and defensive comments on this item: http://washingtontimes.com/news/2009/mar/30/rules-for-conservative-radicals/
For those who need a history lesson, read: The Two - State Solution is 87 Years Old - http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/03/the_two_state_solution_is_87_y.html
Try ignoring the world and you end up with another Pearl Harbor this time with Nuclear Weapons.
World Peace should be America's goal which is one reason why we've played intercontinental police officer since the Korean War. (Instability is bad for business, Communism is also bad for business). The best situation we can hope for in the near future is the moderation of radical elements in the middle east due to economic stabilization, disarmament of Iran, and the total collapse of the NK government (Which will happen whether or not they decide to pull the trigger the NK economy being what it is.)
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