IDF warns Philadelphi corridor residents to flee

"Because Hamas uses your houses to hide and smuggle military weapons, the IDF will attack the area, between the Egyptian border until the beach road," the leaflet said, according a local UN official.I'd bet that there are very few families that didn't listen this time. Where is Rachel Corrie when Hamas needs her?
After the leaflets were dropped, more than 800 families fled to two UN schools turned into temporary shelters.
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Carl - I bet one of the few places in Gaza Israel will stay for good is the Philadelphi Corridor. It has few Arabs and is an excellent point to interdict arms smuggling the movements of terrorists from the two parts of the territory. Israel shouldn't have abandoned it four years ago. Let's hope she does not make that same mistake again.
Israel's channel 2 TV reported that massive bombardment of the Rafiah/Philly corridor has begun.
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