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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We got mail!

One thing I have to say about my nasty commenters: they're not very articulate.
Hi. My name's Harriet, and I'm italian. I found your blog and read some of it and it's disgusting. Or better, your ideas are disgusting for me. You "israeli" people invade the Palestine and took all you could by violence and weapons, and now you are proud to laugh on these "monsters", the Arabs, that have been repressed using strenght. The problem is not wich religion-the problem is wich kind of behave you have. I don't care if you are jewish or muslim, I just know violence is bad and violence imponed by stronger weapons is worst. Excuse me for my bad english, but I'm just Italian. If you understand my language you can visit my blog, but you won't like it.
Is starting a war of annihilation to drive people into the sea violent? Are suicide bombers violent? Inquiring minds want to know.

Hey lady - Jews have lived in this country for 3000 years. We didn't invade anything. Every bit of land in this country on which Jews live and work was purchased by the Jewish people from whomever was on it previously at full market value and then some. The 'Palestinians' are about as indigenous to this country as Africans are to Italy. Deal with it.

P.S. Aren't you glad Prodi isn't your Prime Minister anymore?


At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please give us her blog URL. We'd love to set some miguided Italians straight.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

I really admire the way you put things to ignorant people. The Israeli government could use you as a spokesman but you'd say all the obvious things and that wouldn't be what they want Israelis and the world to hear. The most expensive commodity today in Israel is the government's pretending that reality doesn't exist so they try to remake things the way they would like them to be. Well that keeps showing up on them like the proverbial bad copper penny, doesn't it?

At 1:01 AM, Blogger mitthrawnurdo said...

Shy guy,

I'm probably going to regret giving the URL, but here it is: http://ithinkandexist.blogspot.com/

When you see the stupid and inaccurate "Rafah" cartoon, you know it's this woman's blog. I consider it a blessing now that I can't read Italian.

Anyhow, thanks for the blog, Carl! I'm a longtime reader (and lurker) and like normanf, I love how you write things to ignorant people.

At 1:48 AM, Blogger Transsylvania Phoenix said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Transsylvania Phoenix said...

I can speak some Italian and I did some browsing through her blog. Don't bother, she's just an oppinionated highschool girl. Ideologically marxist, she expresses a deep admiration for Che Guevara. 20-30 years ago she would have made a perfect recruit for the infamous communist terorist group Brigate Rosse.

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Mother Effingby said...

Let's send her a copy of Magdi Cristiano Allam's book, "Viva Israele!"

At 2:43 AM, Blogger Findalis said...

She sounded like an ignorant child. As one gets older, we get wiser and learn a few things. I have many Italian friends and they are pro-Israel. But they are older and wiser.

At 7:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks. Looks like no need to waste my time there.

Pity. I was recently in Italy. Too many anti-capitalism/pro-communism posters and grafitti up all over the place. Here's a pic of a communist party storefront I snapped in an otherwise quaint little town somewhere up north. Don't get confused. "rifondazione" means "refoundation" - no Zionism intended.

Fortunately, they make a lot of noise but seem to represent no more that 5 or 6 percent of the voters. Of course, that would be 5 or 6 perecent too many for any normal person's tastes.

Lenin was right about one thing: usefull idiots. They're here!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Nannette said...

"War of annihilation"?

The Arabs did this to the Jews of Arab countries, which is why the population went from over 850,000 to less than 8,000.

The Palestinians on the other hand have gone from 640,000 to a few million!

Now which group does she think has suffered the war of annihilation?

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


Don't bother her with logic and reason. She doesn't understand them anyway.

At 5:10 PM, Blogger H. Taed said...

"she expresses a deep admiration for Che Guevara." Here is where I understood you really DON'T understand italian.
"she would have made a perfect recruit for the infamous communist terorist group Brigate Rosse." and here is where I realized you didn't understand what I wrote because it's clear I'm for the peace in any case.
Nannette,700.000 arabs that have been enforced to move away in 1948. from 2001 for 1000 "israeli" people 5000 palestinians have died. I call this injustice.

Yes, I'm just a stupid child, and yes, my english is bad. I don't care. I'm not marxist, I'm not in the party "Rifondazione", and I'm not Catholic, so I'm not against jews. But I believe that who defends a nation created by money and weapons is as a stupid child as me.

I hope you will excuse me again for my bad english, and if you don't like visitators to disagree with you, I won't comment anything anymore.

Against any violence

At 5:29 PM, Blogger H. Taed said...

OH! I forgot to answer you questions!!!!

"Is starting a war of annihilation to drive people into the sea
violent? Are suicide bombers violent? Inquiring minds want to know." Yes, it is, and of course is wrong. But, who started it?

"Jews have lived in this country for 3000 years." Yes: and I descend from Germans: tomorrow I'll go there with great bombs and say it is mine, because for a long time my ancestors have lived there.

"We didn't invade anything. Every bit of land in this country on which Jews live and work was purchased by the Jewish people from whomever was on it previously at full market value and then some." Maybe the palestinians that in 1948 were extromissed from their country wouldn't agree. Maybe that's what they wrote in the books you read at school. Here the information about the truth is free an accessible.

"The 'Palestinians' are about as indigenous to this country as Africans are to Italy." If an African has a house here, I won't destroy the house, kill his family and then say "It's because my ancestors lived here 3000 years ago". I'll look for another house.

AND, about prodi, I'm happy he is not our prime minister anymore, so now I can write pro-communism-graffiti everywhere, destroy every McDonalds and demonstrate violently against the fucking conservative governement: at last I will be an happy terrorist-ignorant-marxist-stupid-child!

At 4:02 AM, Blogger YITZI said...

Several points need elucidation.

First, the Jews and Muslims have had a religious conflict since Mohammad to this very day.

Second, no people has a just cause who as part of their ethic preach hatred to their children; sacrifice their children; deliberately destroy holy places; take hostages and who take pride in murdering innocents.

The end never justifies the means!

Therefore, we must conclude as follows:

1. Nobody should give aid or solace to the haters.

2. Nobody should excuse the haters.

3. Everyone should support those who are hated in their quest for peace.

May the Almighty Bless You,


At 12:24 PM, Blogger H. Taed said...

Your generic speaking is of course availeble. But:"the haters" and "the hated". You use these words like the two groups were definited and separated, and I can not agree. It seems implicit that the sufferer is Israel and the executioners are the Arabs. I don't think so and nor think it's the contrary. Of course I'm wrong, but I can't stand supporting people who stole the land of others with money, weapons, the support of Europe and a inappreciable reason: because their ancestors have lived there. I can't even defend people who "take hostages and who take pride in murdering innocents" but the problem is they are also jewish, not just arab. All the violence is wrong, but I can't support your country, also if lots of arabs want to destroy it.

Because for me, your country is illicit.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Perhaps a clarification of English grammar is needed: "have lived for 3000 years" means there was continual Jewish presence in the land starting 3000 years ago.

If you are concerned about refugees, check out this article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/jun/25/middleeast.middleeastthemedia


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