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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Is Obama the 'American Gorbachev?'

This interview with Lebanese Sunni Cleric Sheik Muhammad Abu Al-Qat' was aired on Hezbullah's al-Manar television in Lebanon on May 10, 2008.
Sheik Muhammad Abu Al-Qat': Today, on May 10, 2008, at 22:50 – through Al-Manar TV – let me bring good tidings to the Muslims: Allah willing, the American empire will very soon collapse. They object to any talk about the destruction of the state of Israel.

Interviewer: And they are celebrating its 60th anniversary...

Sheik Muhammad Abu Al-Qat': That's not the issue. We say that Allah willing, within 20 to 12 years, America will collapse. This won't happen as a result of war. Not at all. Allah will send to America an American Gorbachev, from within. Gorbachev, who brought about the USSR collapse, was one of them. Everybody knows this story. An American Gorbachev will surface in America, and he will destroy this empire.
Let's go to the videotape.

Is Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama the 'American Gorbachev' who will - God forbid - bring about America's collapse from within?


At 10:15 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Obama isn't comfortable with the use of American power to advance and defend American interests abroad. He's more likely to usher in a second Jimmy Carter term if elected. The only downside is as yet, there's no Ronald Reagan type candidate waiting in the wings on the Republican side.

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's not about Democrat and Republican Norman. The problem is that Obama is too willing to give up the foundations of the Constitution, without defending any that oppose his ideals of government control.

He is more like a Hitler than a Carter. Check out Pre- World War Two Germany, and see what the ideas implemented by Hitler were.

Obama's rhetoric, and failed promises are not unnoticed. Unfortunately, there are already murmurs within the States of using their Constitutional power of Succession (Vermont and Texas have both threatened this now -- when did any state threaten this prior or since the Civil War?).

Obama also cannot hold credibility as his birth certificate is still under argument from a great many Americans, which if found true, makes him an impostor, and criminal for attempting to take the government rogue -- but then what about the party that supported him?

There are many issues, but in the end, it's not up to another party to "Fix the problem" -- it's up to the people. Remember, in the United States, the government should fear the people. "Those powers not given to the Federal government are reserved to the States, and all others to the PEOPLE." It's in the Constitution.

Obama is busy trying to rewrite how the Constitution works, instead of looking to the past, and seeing what works, he is more interested in furthering frivolous spending (even at the cost of future generations), rather than taking the trenchant stance of the Founding Fathers to remain a bulwark of sense and the standard for the world.

It's a shame, as so many have gotten more concerned about "equality", that they've stopped to look at the "quality" part anymore. This was again reflected in Sotomayor's push to the Supreme Court... check her history, and align it with the ideals of the Nation... they are not what was intended, yet again, we have placed someone with such a twisted and skewed sense into that place, because the people remained silent.

Americans are lazy. Most other races have said this, and they're right. In other countries, they would chance being shot to have the freedom to elect their leaders that they choose, yet here, how many didn't BOTHER to vote, or to learn anything about what the ticket they voted for stood for prior to the election?

It's not a Carter-Reagan this this time; it's a Founding Fathers-Usurper thing this time. He's not just trying to adjust the rules, Obama is trying to rewrite the rulebook, with the Democratic party cheering him on.

I am not Republican OR Democrat, so don't start throwing that issue either. I am closest to a Libertarian with many Constitutionalists beliefs.

Unfortunately, Republicans and Democrats are equally to blame in this mess the USA is in, and the only way to fix it is to get a NEW group in that actually cares about the people, and not their PARTY politics and loyaltys above all else.


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