Give a Pali a job, poison your customers

The security forces permitted the disclosure today that last month two 'Palestinians' - Eihab Abu Rial and Anas Salum (pictured at left) - who worked in a Ramat Gan restaurant called Grill Express in Ramat Gan were arrested by the security forces and charged with planning to
poison the restaurant's customers with a white odorless, tasteless powder (I actually got this report in Hebrew originally without a url). The two did not have work permits to be in Israel and were staying illegally within the country. Unfortunately, there is no mention of the restaurant owner being charged for employing them. But it gets worse.

In their questioning the men told interrogators they were to receive the poison from two operatives in the Balata refugee camp in Nablus – Husseini Salag and Hani Quabi – who are still wanted by security forces.
The white substance is virtually undetectable and affects its victims approximately four hours after being ingested.
Salag, they said, also sought to use them to bring a suicide bomber across the border.
Defense officials say they are concerned Quabi continues to seek the means to carry out an attack in Israel using illegal Palestinian residents.
Here's a picture of the restaurant. Yes, it's Kosher. And you wonder why
Rabbis have banned hiring Arabs?

By the way, these terrorists are 'good' terrorists from '
moderate' '
Palestinian' President
Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen's Fatah's al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, who are being promoted by George Bush, Condoleeza Rice and the Olmert-Barak-Livni government as our 'peace partners.' But don't worry: Hamas tried doing the same thing at Cafe Rimon in Jerusalem five and a half years ago (but they used 'east' Jerusalem Arabs who were in the country legally).
But Abu Mazen really wants 'peace.' He just can't stand the thought of cracking down on the 'Brigades' - eh Condi?
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Amalek - it is said he attacked your weakest, helpless and smallest among you and he attacked you when he had no grievance with you. You are to show no mercy to him because he showed no mercy to you and you are not to admit him to your house, to support him in any way and to blot him and his name out from under heaven.
That's the least the Palestinians deserve as treatment. To do otherwise is to result in Jews being murdered.
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