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Saturday, February 02, 2008

The 'Palestinian' exodus begins?

Could it be that the 'Palestinians' have finally understood that they have been held hostage by their Arab brethren for the past sixty years in the hope of expelling the 'infidel' Jews from the Middle East? Could it be that at least some of them have had enough of it?

Look at this from a story about the re-closing of Egypt's border with Gaza:
At the same time, Egypt has agreed ... to enable thousands of Palestinians stuck in Egypt to head to third countries for which they have visas or residency permits, Zahar said after returning to Gaza from Cairo.
I am willing to bet that every last one of those 'third countries' is in the West. I wonder how many 'thousands' there are and how long the 'Palestinians' will continue to pretend that those 'thousands' still live in Gaza.


At 12:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Its way past time to demand that the UN member countries in which the 'palis' live to either offer them citizenship, or send them on their way. It is way past time for the UNRWA to be disbanded and the UN refugee commission to take over.

None of these things will happen as long as arab and muslim despots need to distract their populations from their own failed regimes, lack of rights and freedom.

It is unconscionable that the UN would continue to institutionalize both the arab and islamic rejectionism, their collective generational mistreatment of the 'palis', insisting that it is Israel's and the jews problem due to the 'nakba' cause, conveniently evading responsibility that they have for starting and continuing the conflict.

That is, I am terribly cynical of the arabs motives. After 60 years of watching them blow every opportunity to solve the problem, only to make it a generational problem, I have very little faith in their ability or willingness to admit culpability, accept the shame for causing the problem and then work towards a solution.

The only possible solution is to impose shame on them so profound that they have no choice by to choose the lesser of two shames. Give them no out. No quarter. Force them to own up to what they have done to their bretheren for generations.

Letting the 'palis' out of gaza into the west could be used to shame the arabs in this way. All one needs to do is to point out the simplicity and obviousness of the solution, and ask, in the simplest possible terms, precisely why the arabs have not done this themselves. We can, why can't they? Beam it to every capital. Inject it in every diplomatic interaction. Get the rest of the diplomatic world who claim to be interested in a solution asking them why they aren't doing this.

They should be ashamed.

At 3:19 AM, Blogger heroyalwhyness said...

You ask in this article:

Could it be that the 'Palestinians' have finally understood that they have been held hostage by their Arab brethren for the past sixty years in the hope of expelling the 'infidel' Jews from the Middle East? Could it be that at least some of them have had enough of it?

Could it be signs of a quiet evacuation? Shades of 1948?

At 3:50 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

The good news is Ehud Olmert appears to be welcoming the Hamas' intiative. The bad news is Olmert is still bent on creating a Palestinian reichlet even though events on the ground have made the entire notion of one more implausible than ever.

At 4:29 AM, Blogger Rosey said...

Agree 100% with kranky. someone send a note to AP, AFP, BBC, Al Reuters etc...


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