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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Hoyer tells Moran to retract his moronic remarks

The Politico reports that House Majority leader Steny Hoyer has suggested that Virginia Congressman Jim Moran ought to retract his moronic remarks about AIPAC pushing for war in Iraq.
“I think the remarks that I've heard or were reported I think were factually incorrect,” Hoyer said. “I think they did adopt a canard that is not -- absolutely is not true, that somehow the Jewish community controls the press, the media, the Congress and other institutions has been used by those who are anti-Semitic for a very long period of time.”

Asked if Moran should apologize, Hoyer went on:

“I think he certainly ought to retract his remarks and indicate that he believes that he was inaccurate on the facts.”

The author of the magazine piece in which Moran made the comments has defended him.
The author would be 'rabbi' Mikey Lerner.

But the problem is that an apology or a retraction is not going to change the nature of the person who was behind those remarks in the first place: Moran is an anti-Semite. All the apologies and retractions in the world won't matter until and unless he stops being an anti-Semite. As long as his district in Virginian insists on continuing to send him to Congress, he should be scorned and isolated by his fellow dhimmycrats. Jewish voters should be smart enough to draw the correct conclusions and replace any representative who refuses to isolate Moran. It worked with Cynthia McKinney, it can work with Moran.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

amazing the ha rav ha goan lerner. hitlery's favorite rabbi.
there are still editors o federation rags who deny sheehan said anything anti-israel

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"But the problem is that an apology or a retraction is not going to change the nature of the person who was behind those remarks in the first place: Moran is an anti-Semite."

Precisely. Why add the hypocrisy of a totally insincere apology to the reality of the speaker's anti-Semitism? What's the benefit of that?

As an example, there's a rabidly anti-Bush, anti-American Canadian Liberal MP, Carolyn Parrish, now like Cynthia McKinney, a FORMER MP. A few years ago, there was a stink in the media over her overheard remark in Parliament, "Damn Americans, I HATE those b******ds!"

I'm a believer in the great Justice Louis Brandeis's dictum vis a vis free speech, including hate speech, that "Sunlight is the best disinfectant" The talk in the Canadian MSM was: should she issue a public apology?

I wrote a letter to the editor of a major Canadian newspaper saying as an American, I'd prefer that she not be pressured to make a public apology. I prefer to know about and deal with honest hatred out in the open, rather than covered with the smarmy hypocritical lies of a pretended friend.

I suggest that the same principle ought to apply here. Jim Moran is far from unique in the American hard left and specifically the Democratic Party. Maybe growing awareness of that ugly fact will help the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans who always vote and donate Democratic to see that maybe they should reconsider the wisdom of that.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

"Maybe growing awareness of that ugly fact will help the overwhelming majority of Jewish Americans who always vote and donate Democratic to see that maybe they should reconsider the wisdom of that."

The majority of Jews are already aware of that , but are good liberals first. 30 years ago maybe they were Jews fifth, but as that new survey of non ortho Jews shows, they are lucky to be Jews tenth.


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