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Monday, July 02, 2007

Sex, lies and videotape - on Hamas television?

Hamas and Fatah have moved their propaganda war to the television waves, with each broadcasting smear campaigns against the other. As I'm sure you all recall, last week I reported that Hamas had found sexually explicit videotapes in Fatah's security headquarters in the Gaza Strip. These are now being broadcast on Hamas television - hopefully at least after the children are asleep....
Hamas has been using its official television station al-Aqsa TV in the Gaza Strip to broadcast documents and tapes allegedly found in the PA's headquarters.

Hamas sources claim that such documents are proof of "corruption, collaboration with Israel and a total lack of morals, including homosexual relations between officials." [And we all know what happens to queers in 'Palestine,' don't we? CiJ]

The official Palestinian TV station is run by Fatah in the West Bank, and is being used to serve the party's interests and condemn "Hamas' dark coup and the acts of murder and execution that were carried out by the organization."

On the channel's broadcasts Fatah members call the Hamas organization a satellite state controlled by Iran and Syria, saying Hamas men are greedy gold diggers disguised as religious men.
But if we give them a state reichlet, they'll stop killing each other and get busy with killing Jews instead.


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