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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Nasrallah says no deal for hostages without Kuntar; Criticizes Siniora for meeting Blair

Hezbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah repeated today that there will be no deal for the release of kidnapped IDF soldiers Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser without the release of terrorist Samir al-Kuntar:
"You ask me, will there be a deal without Samir, I say no," Nasrallah told Al Jazeera television in an interview aired on Tuesday. "Absolutely not," he added. "After all that happened and this ends without Samir?"
Nasrallah also criticized Lebanese President Fouad Siniora for meeting with British Prime Minister Tony Blair:
Earlier Tuesday, Nasrallah strongly condemned British Prime Minister Tony Blair's visit to Lebanon, saying he was a partner in the killing of Lebanese, according to a televised interview aired Tuesday.

Nasrallah's comments on Al-Jazeera television came a day after Blair received a warm welcome by Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora. Thousands of Lebanese demonstrated against the visit.

"Tony Blair is a partner in the killing, and then you bring him to my house, to my family and you give him a great welcome. Don't those people have feelings?" he said.

Nasrallah told Al-Jazeera, in an excerpt of the interview. The full interview was scheduled to be aired later Tuesday.

As Blair and Saniora held a news conference on Monday, they were disrupted by an angry protester who accused the British prime minister of complicity in last month's Israel Defense Forces bombardment of Lebanon.


"The first mistake of the prime minister and the political bloc that backs him is that they made an immoral and inhuman behavior toward the people who were killed or wounded or destroyed or displaced. This is regrettable," Nasrallah said.
Nasrallah has no clue what is moral or humane.


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