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Sunday, June 25, 2006

For a negotiated surrender

In this morning's Jerusalem Post, former director general of the foreign ministry David Kimche comes out in favor of a negotiated surrender of most of Israel's strategic assets to the 'Palestinians.' Kimche has no problem returning to a border that is "somewhere between the Clinton formula and the Geneva Accord." He just has a problem with doing it unilaterally. Because of that, he advocates going to negotiations with 'moderate Palestinian President' Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen, the minute that Abu Mazen is authorized to negotiate on Hamas' behalf. As if the face across the table changes the party being represented!

In Kimche's view:
WE HAVE three options today: the maintenance of the status quo with a continued political stalemate, realignment, or a sincere effort to reach agreement with the Palestinians through negotiations.
Kimche regards the status quo, which was just fine for many years, as untenable because "
there is no way it could remain for any length of time without deteriorating into a new and more vicious intifada with no solution in sight except more violence, more hatred."He discounts the fact that the violence could be defeated if Israel can muster the national will to defeat it, and he does not consider the possibility of any positive action on Israel's part other than surrendering territory.

He regards Ehud Olmert's convergence consolidation realignment surrender and expulsion plan as untenable for reasons that everyone except Ehud Olmert seems to see.

According to Kimche, "that leaves us with negotiations." But even Kimche himself admits that negotiations are very unlikely to succeed. One would need to be as blind as Ehud Olmert to fail to admit that the 'Palestinians' are not going to just give up on the fallacious 'right of return'
after 58 years, in favor of a 'creative solution.' Instead, Kimche advocates something straight out of the Shimon Peres - Bill Clinton school of redefining the word "is." He advocates what I can only describe as a negotiated unilateral surrender and expulsion:
If the obstacles to reaching an agreement prove to be too great, and that may be the case, then we should, at the very least, coordinate to a maximum degree with the PA president our withdrawal from settlements in Judea and Samaria. It should not be unilateral move, but a negotiated initiative with a quid pro quo attached to it.
What quid pro quo is he going to attach when he cannot reach an agreement? He's going to allow Abu Mazen to have an ambassador sit in Jerusalem Tel Aviv? This is the Shimon Peres - Shlomo Ben Ami School of Diplomacy: "I want to reach an agreement and therefore I will give up all I can - and then some - unilaterally and hand it to the other side for free. Because I HAVE to reach an 'agreement' even if the other side does not want to reach one."

But here's all the proof we need that Kimche is as delusional as Peres and Ben Ami:
All these scenarios are, of course, dependent on one essential condition; that violence is kept in check, and that prospect is bleak with Kassams continuing to rain down on Sderot. The massive shelling by our artillery did not stop the Kassams, and the re-occupation of Gaza is not in the cards. Maybe, just maybe, a decision to start negotiations would do the trick.
In other words, we should stop the Kassams by raising the white flag of surrender and saying that the Kassams have been so effective that we're now willing to negotiate with Hamas' representative so long as his name is Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen and not Ismail Haniyeh? How absurd!

As you may or may not already be aware, members of the Watcher's Council hold a vote every week on what they consider to be the most link-worthy pieces of writing around... per the Watcher's instructions, I am submitting one of my own posts for consideration in the upcoming nominations process.

Here is the most recent winning council post, here is the most recent winning non-council post, here is the list of results for the latest vote, and here is the initial posting of all the nominees that were voted on.


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