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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Is Gilad Shalit a hero?

An upcoming visit to Canada by Gilad Shalit, an IDF soldier who spent five years in Hamas captivity, has led some people to question whether he should be treated as a hero.
The Jewish Tribune’s Israel correspondent, Atara Beck, noted that an IDF investigation into the kidnapping revealed that Shalit had not paid much attention to the briefing before the patrol, did not open fire at the terrorists, and was unaware of the fact that there were other soldiers in the area because he had not listened carefully to the briefing.
Two IDF soldiers, Hanan Barak and Pavel Slutzker, died in the same attack.
Beck said that many in the Canadian Jewish community are questioning JNF Canada’s decision to bring Shalit to Canada as a guest speaker, fearing that this may broadcast a message of weakness rather than heroism.
The same issue of the Jewish Tribune featured a letter to the editor signed by Harry Smith from Montreal, who said that bringing Shalit to Canada as a guest speaker is “a foolish idea”.
“Perhaps it is the Palestinians residing in Canada who should be given front row seats. They surely would bask in the glory of our shame,” wrote Smith, adding, “This young man is, by his own admission, a stumblebum. He could not be bothered to even bring his weapon out of his vehicle. In fact, he never bothered listening to instructions. He anticipated stumbling his way through army service.… What were his superiors thinking? Why didn’t they just put him on kitchen duty? A few more like this hero and Israel will cease to exist.”
That's what happens with a universal draft: You get a lot of soldiers who don't really want to be there. Gilad Shalit was obviously one of them.

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At 2:22 PM, Blogger Mervyn Doobov said...

What with paying for Clinton's speech at the obscene Peres birthday bash (later retracted) and now this, shouldn't JNF go back to Blue Boxes?


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