Obama's gone golfin'

The Government Accountability Institute, a new conservative investigative research organization, examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.Read the whole thing. It gets worse. Maybe that's why he's screwed the Middle East up so badly.
In the meantime, Obama's not much more energetic on the domestic front.
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney reacted today to claims made by author Bob Woodward about the President’s lack of leadership during the debt ceiling crisis, and lack of personal relationships with members of Congress.And this guy thinks he deserves to be reelected?
Carney suggested that Woodward’s assertion was “a funny conclusion to reach, given how many hours the president spent with members of Congress … including sitting on his patio, including playing golf, including at the residence.”
Labels: Barack Hussein Obama, Campaign 2012, intelligence
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