Islamophobia or Islamorealism

Paul Feiner, the Greenburgh Town Supervisor, tells the Daily Politics that he wants the MTA "to warn passengers that the ads could be upsetting and don't represent Metro-North's views or that of the community," noting, "There are many Muslims residing in Greenburgh and in our villages. They should not be discriminated against. the posters encourage hatred, discrimination and do not help the efforts to fight hate crimes."The issue isn't discrimination. The issue is that while not all Muslims are terrorists, most (if not all) terrorism in the world today is perpetrated by Muslims. We can continue to ignore that reality, or we can acknowledge it as a first step to doing something about it. But burying our heads in the sand is just going to get more of us murdered for the sake of Islam. I applaud Pam for picking up the ball and running with it.
Feiner added that he wants the MTA to donate the ad profits to an anti-discrimination campaign, "I feel it's not a violation of free speech for Metro North to put up a competing sign and it's also not a violation of free speech if they donate the profits to an anti-defamation league or an organization that objects to hate crimes. I feel that it should be clear that the people of Metro North and the town do not support this message."
Labels: freedom of speech, Islamic terrorism, Pamela Geller
Readers who want to see how Geller and her neo con pro Israel crowd fabricate and conjure up stats should consult the charts and data at the links I posted above, and the Islamophobia Today piece below which was based on Europol Data, not Islamophobic wet dreams.
Updated Europol Data: Less Than 1% of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims
The most popular article ever published on LoonWatch was released in January of 2010: that article showed that, according to the official FBI website, only 6% of terrorist attacks in the United States from 1980-2005 (the only years where data was available) were committed by Muslims.
I published a follow-up article to look at the picture across the pond: I cited official data from Europol, which releases an annual terrorism report entitled EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT). The first available such report was for the year 2006. The data from 2006, 2007, and 2008 showed that about 0.4% of terrorist attacks in the European Union were committed by Muslims–less than 1% (actually, less than half of 1%).
Today, I’d like to update our readers with new Europol data: the data for 2009 and 2010 is now available.
Once again, a minuscule percentage of terrorist attacks in Europe were committed by Muslims. In 2009 and 2010, there were a grand total of 543 terrorist attacks, of which only 4 were committed by Muslims. This means that only 0.7% of terrorist attacks–again, less than 1%–were committed by Muslims.
Meanwhile, in that same time frame, separatist groups in Europe committed 397 terrorist attacks, or 73% of terrorist attacks overall. In other words, separatist groups committed 99.2 times (almost 100 times) more terrorist attacks than Muslims.
Another 85 attacks were committed by left-wing groups, accounting for about 16% of terrorist attacks overall.
Here is the data for 2009:
This “mega-table” shows that from 2007 to 2009, out of 1,317 terrorist attacks only 3 of them were committed by Muslims. From a percentage standpoint, that means only about 0.2% of terrorist attacks in Europe were committed by Muslims in those years–again, far less than 1%.
If we combine the data from the years Europol started keeping track of terrorist attacks–including 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010–we see that out of a grand total of 2,139 terrorist attacks only 10 of them were committed by Muslims. You can count the number of terrorist attacks by Muslims on your fingertips. Percentage wise, this means that 0.5% of terrorist attacks in Europe–half of 1%–were committed by Muslims.
Pamela Geller: San Francisco Muni in League With the Stealth Jihad
This is your mind on hate
San Francisco’s Municipal Railway is going to run the always-disgusting Pamela Geller’s bigoted advertisements on their buses, but they’re donating the ad revenue to the Human Rights Commission and placing their own signage next to the ads saying, “Muni doesn’t support this message.”
In the hate-addled mind of Pamela Geller, of course, this means that the San Francisco Municipal Railway are a bunch of institutionalized antisemites and racists, in league with the stealth jihad Muslim shariah savages who haunt her feverish imagination: CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO TO PLACE SHARIA-COMPLIANT DISCLAIMERS NEXT TO EVERY AFDI PRO-ISRAEL BUS AD!!!!! - Atlas Shrug
But burying our heads in the sand is just going to get more of us murdered for the sake of Islam. I applaud Pam for picking up the ball and running with it.
I actually agree with you. But for different reasons.
People who are gullible supporters of Israel who don't know the reality are seeing the ugly truth for what it is.
zionism is based on lies, bigotry, racism and Islamophobia.
The ad's won't benefit Israel, they'll turn people against her.
Who's Behind the Anti-Islam Ads on MTA and Muni?
The text also urges people to "support Israel" and "defeat jihad." When the MTA rejected that ad on the grounds that it was defamatory towards a group on the basis of religion, Geller and her attorney David Yerushalmi (the man behind much of the anti-Shariah legislation being proposed in conservative states) sued.
Yerushalmi, who once proposed making "adherence to Islam" a felony, wrote a letter to the MTA in which he argued that the ad referred to behavior rather than a group of people. "[The ad] mentions neither individual nor group and it intends none."
Whether ads implying Muslims are "savages" speak to anyone other than Geller's fans, though, is another question. Several Jewish and pro-Israel groups have condemned the ads.
"AFDI presents itself as a pro-Israel group. Our sense is that it's just a mischaracterization of who they are. They are an anti-Muslim activist group, and you don't have to be anti-Muslim to be pro-Israel," says Michael Salberg, director of international affairs for the Anti-Defamation League. "The ads are offensive and inflammatory." But despite calling the ads "inappropriate," Salberg agreed with Engelmayer that Geller has a right to post them.
The Jewish Community Relations Council in San Francisco and the American Jewish Committee issued a statement saying that "We are steadfast in our support of Israel and our concern about the growing threat of Islamic radicalism, and steadfast in our opposition to anti-Muslim stereotypes." On her blog, Geller referred to the ADL, the JCRC, and the AJC as "dhimmi Jewcidals," writing, "Even the Judenrat didn't protect and defend the Nazis' war on the Jews. They went along, but they didn't advance and promote it."
Linda Sarsour, director of the Arab American Association of New York, said Geller "just wants attention" and is "wasting" her donors' money. "I don't think anyone that is a person of conscience supports this kind of rhetoric."
Two summers ago, Geller and Yerushalmi successfully turned the late-summer silly season into a national political debate over the so-called "Ground Zero Mosque." This year, with a presidential election looming, it looks like they'll have to settle for annoying people on their commutes.
UPDATE: While the Geller quote of Rand is a paraphrase, in its original context Rand was referring to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, characterizing Israelis as "civilized" and Palestinians as "savages."
Further, why are the Arabs against Israel? (This is the main reason I support Israel.) The Arabs are one of the least developed cultures. They are typically nomads. Their culture is primitive, and they resent Israel because it's the sole beachhead of modern science and civilization on their continent. When you have civilized men fighting savages, you support the civilized men, no matter who they are. Israel is a mixed economy inclined toward socialism. But when it comes to the power of the mind—the development of industry in that wasted desert continent—versus savages who don't want to use their minds, then if one cares about the future of civilization, don't wait for the government to do something. Give whatever you can. This is the first time I've contributed to a public cause: helping Israel in an emergency.
Given the quote's context, it's even harder to take seriously the claims from Geller's lawyer that the ad does not broadly refer to Arabs or Muslims as "savages," since that's exactly what Rand meant.
"...most (if not all) terrorism in the world today is perpetrated by Muslims."
And/or drug cartel gangbangers. Although, apparently, Hezbullah, etc. are showing up mixed in with the gangbangers in Mexico. They seem compatible in goals and methods.
I forgot to mention..The biggest lie in Pamela Geller's advert is the 19520 figure which is cited from 'Religion of Peace'. It's a fabricated figure.
Religion of Peace is run by a Yerushalmi/Geller/ type character,
(Jewish pro Israel Likud, Zionist Orthodox settler cheerleader)
If we were to use the same methodology to list Jewish or Christian or Buddhist or Hindu 'terror attacks' then the US would top the list, followed by Israel thus, it's an excercise in futility to say otherwise.
------------- to cheerlead the enterprise of empire.
Before Loonwatch launched in 2009 the web was inundated with a plethora of anti-Muslim Islamophobes, who for a full 8 years (since 9/11) organized and propagated their narratives on Islam/Muslims largely unopposed (notable exceptions). A cornerstone narrative that was developed and used by the Islamophobia Movement during this time was the myth that “All Terrorists are Muslim.” This narrative had wide circulation until it was debunked by Danios.
The fallback arguments that Islamophobes have since tried to amplify are two: 1. even if all terrorists aren’t Muslims, the overwhelming majority of terrorists are, and 2. most terrorist attacks worldwide are committed by Muslims, hence, in a further leap of logic, Islam is to blame. This argument conflates the tactic of terrorism with the religion of Islam, a claim whose proponents don’t even consider Islam a religion but rather a “political ideology.” More on this later.
TheReligionOfPeace.Com and the Faulty “Islamic Terrorism Ticker”:
If you visit JihadWatch, AtlasShrugs or any of the too numerous to count anti-Muslim hate sites and blogs, you are likely to find on the sidebar a hyperlinked image claiming that “Islamic Terrorists have carried out more than _____ Deadly Terror Attacks Since 9/11.” The image was created by the anti-Islam hate site, The Religion of Peace (TROP), associated with Islamophobe Daniel Greenfield, aka “SultanKnish,” who you will recall earns a pretty penny from the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
(as of July 7,2012)
The clear visual intent of this “Islamic terrorism ticker” is to provoke an emotive fear and anxiety of a global, monolithic, totalitarian Islam (read: Muslims), that is waging terror everywhere through thousands upon thousands of unmitigated and random attacks. On TROP the “terror ticker” serves as ammunition for the site’s stated missionary proposition of portraying “Islam” as “the world’s worst religion.” It also aids in the attempt to tie terrorism to Islam.
Even a cursory glance at TROP’s list of so-called “Islamic terrorist attacks” reveals it to be nothing more than a deeply biased, propagandistic spin-job that conflates: real terrorist attacks, (semi)religious/culturally motivated crimes, attacks on military personnel and attacks by secular groups with no ideological basis in Islam — all in theaters of occupation, civil war and separatist conflict.
Hezbollah in South America is not an American problem, it's an Israeli one. And in terms of the problems that the US faces, it's a miniscule one. We both know that.
So does Sultan Knish, another Israeli neo con, behind the fake figures at the Religion of Peace site that Pamela Geller used for reference.
If you think Israel's future depends on Islamophobia being promoted, Israel is history. Count the days, hours, minutes to its demise.
Once Iran has the nuclear bomb, Americans will be falling overthemselves to ingratiate themselves to the new Middle East order.
But then again, you and I and Geller, and 'Daniel Greenfield' and Ahmedinjed know that :)
Daniel Greenfield: Sultan Knish and the Religion of Peace
Greenfield also runs a site called Religion of Peace which tracks what it considers “Islamic” terror attacks worldwide and posts a counter. This has been used by Islamophobes as “proof” of the dangers of Islam and Muslims. In our TAM article 17,000+ “Islamic terrorist” attacks exist only in fevered Islamophobic brains this site and its’ use by other Islamophobes is discussed at length. Here is a passage from that article discussing Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller’s use of Greenfield’s “statistics” in their propaganda efforts:
4000 people have been killed by muslim terrorism in just the first half of this year alone.
the article goes on to say that since 2003, 43000 people in pakistan have been killed due to muslim terrorism.
thats crazy! and this just includes the number in ONE muslim country, of dozens! i can barely even wrap my mind around it!
i have never understood why it is primarily white westerners far separated in distance from the curse of islam that complain the hardest about islamic terrorism. we are not even the main target! sure we have borne the brunt of a few attacks that have managed to reach our shores, but the people who islam kills are overwhelmingly the muslims. i know that in that part of the world ignorance and lack of education are high, but EVERY living being, even ANIMALS, have the instinct to survive.
i just realized i forgot to say its 4000 people have been killed *in pakistan* due to muslim terrorism.
Oh, how I've missed your comments. It is so funny to read your hysterical rants. Makes my day to know your side is so full of idiots. Love it.
Have to find a way to + comments on this blog....
A few days ago,Mullahs in Pakistan urged the Muslim World to boycott anything and everything that originates with the Jewish people. In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, out of the kindness of his heart, offered to assist them in their boycott as follows: "Any Muslim who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has Syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery of a Jew. If a Muslim suspects that he has Gonorrhea, he must not seek diagnosis, because he will be using the method of a Jew named Neissner. "A Muslim who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. Should he suffer with a toothache, he must not use Novocaine, a discovery of the Jews, Widal and Weil. If a Muslim has Diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. If one has a headache, he must shun Pyramidon and Antypyrin, due to the Jews, Spiro and Ellege. Muslims with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate. Arabs must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew. Should a Muslim child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick. "Muslims should be ready to die in great numbers and must not permit treatment of ear and brain damage, work of Jewish Nobel Prize winner, Robert Baram. They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk. "Muslims must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease. Muslim doctors must discard all discoveries and improvements by dermatologist Judas Sehn Benedict, or the lung specialist, Frawnkel, and of many other world renowned Jewish scientists and medical experts. "In short, good and loyal Muslims properly and fittingly should remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott." Oh, and by the way, don't call for a doctor on your cell phone because the cell phone was invented in Israel by a Jewish engineer. And, one more thing, Jesus Christ was born and brought up as a Jew and prayed in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem!
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