Terror attack stopped in Elon Moreh

A terror attack was prevented in Elon Moreh, in Northern Samaria on Monday morning.
At about 8:45 a.m., the outlook position at Elon Moreh identified two Arabs approaching the fence surrounding the community.A few years ago, we spent a weekend in Elon Moreh. At the time, we were told that the community did not have a physical fence, but that it had motion detectors in place that stopped terrorists from even trying to attack. Obviously, now there is a fence and the terrorists have become more brazen.
The Elon Moreh Security Coordinator arrived at the scene and the Arabs ran away to the nearby village of Azmut.
The security coordinator entered the village with a battalion-sized IDF force. The two terrorists were caught. An initial inquiry showed that they are residents of the Balata "refugee camp" and that they were armed with knives.
Samaria Regional Authority Head Gershon Mesika congratulated the Samaria Brigade Commander Col. Nimrod Aloni for the quick way in which the event was handled.
Unfortunately, this will not be the last attempted terror attack, God forbid. If there is a war, God forbid, terror attacks could well become a distraction for us.
Labels: Judea and Samaria, Palestinian terrorists
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