Overnight music video

Reb Elimelech was one of the main students of the Mezritcher Maggid, and is therefore regarded as one of the founders of Chassidus (warning - I am not a Chassid).
Reb Elimelech wrote a beautiful prayer in which he asks that each of us see the good in our fellow man and not what is bad about him. The prayer was put to music by Avraham Fried (who is himself a Chassid - of Lubavitch if I am not mistaken). This video is of Avraham Fried's songs with scenes in and around Reb Elimelech's grave (which many people in Israel go to visit this week even though it's in Poland) interspersed. I have played this one before, but it's too appropriate for tonight not to repeat it.
Let's go to the videotape.
By the way, the prayer is prominently displayed in the hallway in my three youngest sons' school.
Labels: Aderaba, Avraham Fried, Noam Elimelech, overnight music video
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