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Monday, July 04, 2011

Video: Raid on Entebbe

Here's another July 4th treat. Since this is the 35th anniversary of the IDF raid on Entebbe, in which IDF commandos rescued over 100 passengers who were being held hostage at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda, here is the full-length feature movie Raid on Entebbe.

Let's go to the videotape.

Enjoy everyone!



At 6:36 AM, Blogger Captain.H said...

Wow! Thirty five years?! Tic-toc, time flies! I was a young guy then, an enlisted man in the USAF stationed in California. This highjacking was followed in the US but was overshadowed by the 1776-1976 Bicentennial. We in the military expected that Israel would militarily pull something out of the hat and oh boy, did you!

Let's give credit where it's due, to PM Rabin for the moral courage in giving the order for that very risky mission and to the skill and bravery of the IDF for succeeding in that spectacular rescue.

Let's also remember that freedom isn't free. It was PM Netanyahu's brother, the commando leader, who was the only Israeli military fatality; plus several of the hostages killed in the cross-fire; plus the one elderly Israeli lady who'd been taken to a Ugandan hospital and, if intelligence is correct, was subsequently murdered in a rage by Idi Amin.

At 8:36 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Yoni lives on in all of us. For the people of Israel, he is more than just a national hero - he is an example on how to live, how to serve and how to die!

Above all, we give thanks to G-d for the miracle He wrought on that day and you shall say: "I was close to death, I prayed to Him and He heard me and I will serve Him forever. He is the G-d of my father and on all the earth, there is none beside Him. Israel is indeed His witness!"

No other country has never seen more nobleness than in the simple service it did on behalf of humanity dignity and freedom.

We will never forget the hostages who were saved or the remarkable man, who likes we shall not see again, who gave his life for them and his country, Yonathan Netanyahu.

The Jewish people and Israel are in their everlasting debt. May their memories be for an eternal blessing!

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the US Bicentennial. I was in NY. If ever there was a "flotilla", Manhattan was the place to be for that Independence Day ("Operation Sail").

I believe it was in the evening of July 3rd that the news bulletin came on TV. I remember jumping for joy with my parents. The news bulletins just kept on getting more unreal with each additional detail coming in over the next few hours.

The next day, we went all along Manhattan's mid West Side, to visit the boats. Among them were 2 or 3 Israel Naval boats. The crowd was shoulder to shoulder, more than at any of the other docked boats we visited. The exuberance was overwhelming. I didn't make it onto the ships but the scene around them was something on its own to observe and remember.

That evening, between July 4 and 5, I took off from JFK to Israel, for what would be a great Israeli summer with friends, followed by the beginning of my post high school Yeshiva studies.

Wow! That was a long, long, time ago. Memories.

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Broomer said...

Am I the only one who noticed the uneasy contrast between the Entebbe rescue thousands of miles away and the inability to rescue an Israeli soldier mere miles away? Where has the Israeli chutzpah gone?

At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Broomer, each crisis scenario is different than the other. Distance is not necessarily the most complex part of the equation.

That being said, I commented the day of Shalit's kidnapping that Israel should flatten 1/3 of Gaza each day following the kidnapping and an imprisoned terrorist should be summarily executed every 1/5/15/30/60 minutes, either until Shalit is returned alive and well or until Gaza was one large parking lot - whichever would come first.

Instead the Israeli government and the IDF showed their cowardice.


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