Hamas-Fatah unity off?

A scheduled meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal has been postponed, officials say.
Tuesday's talks in Cairo had been aimed at reaching consensus over a new reconciliation government.
But continued disagreements meant the talks had been postponed indefinitely, said Fatah officials in Ramallah.
The delay has cast doubts on last month's unity deal between Hamas and Fatah aimed at ending a four-year rift.
"The [Cairo] meeting has been postponed until a new date is set in the coming days in order to assure the best atmosphere for the successful implementation of the reconciliation agreement," Fatah's Azzam al-Ahmed was quoted as telling AFP.
Labels: Hamas-Fatah reconciliation, Salam Fayyad
Fatah wants to keep Fayyad on to gain international credibility for the UN statehood drive and for Hamas this is exactly the problem - Fayyad is a running dog for the Zionist-Western imperialists!
The Palestinian jokers can't even agree on who should run their putative country in waiting. But that's alright - give them a state and they'll live in peace and harmony forever!
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