Netanyahu denies getting US offer on 'settlement freeze'

In response to a question from MK Tzipi Hotovely during a Likud Knesset faction meeting, Prime Minister Netanyahu has
denied receiving any offer from the Obama administration in exchange for extending the 'settlement freeze.'
Member of Knesset Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) addressed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a Likud faction meeting, asking him to comment over the issue of a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state and the continuation of the construction freeze.
Netanyahu replied that Israel has not received an American offer with concessions in return for resuming the freeze, and emphasized that a unilateral declaration will take a toll on both sides, and will not help advance a political solution.
Did the Americans insist that it not be discussed, was the question limited in time, or did Netanyahu actually never receive an offer? I's bet on one of the first two.
I think he's a liar and I, in light of his agreement to a "lease deal," suspect there's much more about it than he has let on, is occurring the talks with the Americans that most Israelis don't know about.
Nothingyahoo, indeed
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