And another Facebook Kill a Jew day
Jawa Report's Stable Hand reports on yet another Facebook Kill a Jew day (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
What they ought to do is not only ban the people who post these things, but also those who sign up for them (like the two pictured). That would clean out the cesspool more quickly.
It was deleted, thankfully. I had a message about it, and when I went to report it first thing this AM? It was already removed. This is par for the course with islam, to accomplish this, but say anything against a Jew or Israel, on a thread dedicated to it? It is there for 3 or 4 days. I was happily surprised this time.
Anti-Semitism is respectable these days.
Its usually cloaked in fashionable anti-Israel activism but every now and then these people make it quite clear what they're really after.
Just sick!
This evil creature is posting them:
He is a professional spammer and pornographer. If you can report him it would be great!
It is not Bill Waggoner doing this, it is a troll posing as Bill - I tracked his IP address to the UK, Derby to be exact...
I had all his pages and accounts removed and he got mad at me so he wanted to speak with me on skype - turns out he is a 17 year old prick from the UK who does this for laughs -Bill is American...
He claims he has never met a Jew in his life but he finds it funny that Jews get so pissed off when he creates these events - He asked me to stop removing his events because it is only for fun, I said to him that I will never stop removing his tasteless garbage he keeps putting up...
I have a contact at the Simon Wiesenthal Centre who I send the pages to and he has them removed the same day - you can see my campaigns on my website
I would really like to find out how legal action can be taken against this guy with the information I have on him already... if anyone knows please contact me via my site...
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