Germany to walk out on Ahmadinejad if he denies Holocaust

Germany will walk out of the U.N. General Assembly if Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust in a speech he will give Wednesday, and it wants other European Union countries to do the same, the foreign ministry said.That's very nice, but given how many times Ahamdinejad has denied the Holocaust and threatened to destroy another UN member state, shouldn't Germany and all other civilized countries walk out of the General Assembly before Ahmadinejad begins to speak? That's what Canada is doing.
"We will leave the hall if President Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust or makes anti-Semitic statements ... we are making efforts toward a unified European position," a spokesman said Tuesday.
Canada will boycott Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech at the United Nations today, saying his outbursts about the Holocaust and Israel are "shameful."And I'm sure that Iran's revolutionaries would agree with that act - do agree with it - but have no way of letting us know about it.
Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon will be at the world body to attend the opening of the UN General Assembly's annual debate, but officials signal he and other members of the Canadian delegation will vacate the Canadian seats when the Islamic republic's President approaches the podium.
Walking out of the chamber is seen as a strong diplomatic show of disgust at the UN -- and since the chamber is generally packed on the first day of the annual summit, Canada's empty seats will not go unnoticed.
The Canadian initiative will be welcomed by Israel, which yesterday urged all delegates in the 192-member chamber to stay away when Mr. Ahmadinejad speaks.
"A few days ago he gave a new speech of hate," Gabriela Shalev, Israeli ambassador to the UN, told Israeli army radio. "The simple fact of leaving the room during his speech, or not to be present during it, is a symbolic act."
But don't expect the US to do that. President Obama believes that the United States has no more moral legitimacy than Iran.
What could go wrong?
If Israel wants to lead, resign from the UN! Israel's Prime Minister can change history by making the announcement himself and returning home with Israel's UN envoy. That would be a fitting reply to the bunch of moonbats, dictators and terrorists who have the run of the place.
I think Canada also.
Canada's conservative government has a shaky minority and the opposition parties are looking for an excuse to bring down the government. Pulling out of the UN would cause them to fall and probably lose them the subsequent election.
Canada's conservative government has a shaky minority and the opposition parties are looking for an excuse to bring down the government. Pulling out of the UN would cause them to fall and probably lose them the subsequent election.
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