Two short comments on Iran

At Best of the Web, James Taranto nails the
irrelevance of the Obama administration's continued claims that there is no difference between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi (Hat Tip:
But we think it is very telling that the very first point he made is that there isn't a rial's worth of difference between Ahmadinejad and Mousavi. Let's stipulate that he's right: The election was a contest between Evildee and Evildum. We said as much Friday in arguing that an Ahmadinejad victory might be preferable because the reasonable-seeming Mousavi would be more likely to lull the West into complacency. Obama doesn't need to be lulled; he's already so heavily sedated that on Friday he was praising the "robust debate" between the candidates he now finds indistinguishable.
Speaking very broadly, there are two possible outcomes in Iran now. The regime may succeed in crushing the opposition, enhancing its own power at the expense of whatever pretense of legitimacy it might have had a week ago. Or it may fail to do so and be weakened or overthrown. The free world has every interest in encouraging the latter outcome, and someone ought to bring the leader of the free world up to speed on the events of the past few days.
The other thing I wanted to point you to is
this video posted by Andrew Sullivan (I had to double click the screen to view it - I couldn't watch it through the embed in Andrew's blog). I don't speak a word of Persian, but it's hard not to be moved by the video. As Andrew notes,
They may not have any cell-phones; or news. They may be being squeezed off the web. But they have their voices. Through the darkness of the night, in the face of great force, sustained by unimaginable courage: listen to the audacity of hope.
Let's all hope that the good guys win.
I think there was a slogan from New Hampshire, that inspired Iranian youth:
Live Free Or Die
The power of those words still speak to us - without freedom, we're little more than slaves. In Iran, they know what it means. And so should we.
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