Surprise: Khameni blames 'dirty Zionists' for Iran protests

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s top Muslim leader, accused “dirty Zionists" and “Zionist media” for being behind charges that the results of the election were rigged. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner two hours after the voting stations closed a week ago on Friday. His opponent, Mir Hussein Moussavi, lost even in his own city, according to official election results.The Iranian people are screaming Allah-hu-Akhbar from the roofs of Tehran every night to show that their dispute is with their government and not with Islam. But they see Ayatollah Khameni as a political leader and not a religious one. I doubt they're going to be taken in by the 'dirty Zionist' accusation. After the last week they know better.
Hot Air suggests that Hamas or Hezbullah may attack Israel as a distraction from what's going on in Iran. We have not heard anything that would indicate an attack like that is coming. I also have to wonder with all the thugs Iran has borrowed from those two organizations whether they have the manpower to undertake any kind of action against Israel right now. Ed notes in the same post:
CNN is airing YouTube vids of today’s brutality nonstop, which makes me think American public opinion of the regime will soon be so poisonous as to make diplomacy impossible. The One simply won’t be able to justify shaking these cretins’ bloody hands. If that’s so, it means negotiations are dead and a desperate Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites is assured — unless the regime is overthrown. The stakes couldn’t be higher.Heh.
Michael Ledeen reports that Mousavi's people have sent a letter to President Obama.
Dear Mr. President,The more I see of this, the more I think that Caroline Glick got it right.
In the name of the Iranian people, we want you to know that when you recently made the statement “Achmadinejad or Mousavi? Two of a kind,” we consider this as a grave and deep insult, not just to Mr. Mousavi but especially against the judgment of the Iranian people, against our moral conviction and intelligence, especially those of the young generation that comprises a population of 31 million.
It is a specially grave insult for those who are now fighting for democracy and freedom, and an unwarranted gift and even praise for Mr. Khamenei, whose security forces are now killing peaceful Iranians in the streets of every major city in the country.
Your statement misled the people of the world. It was no doubt inspired by your hope for dialogue with this regime, but you cannot possibly believe in promises from a regime that lies to its own people and then kills them when they demand the promises be kept.
By such statements, your administration and you discourage the Iranian people, who believe and trust in the values of democracy and freedom. We are pleased to see that you have condemned the regime’s murderous violence, and we look forward to stronger support for the rightful struggle of the Iranian people against the actions of a regime that is your enemy as well as ours.
President Obama was forced to condemn the regime's brutality only after remaining neutral was no longer tenable. What is clear is appeasement of the mullahs won't get them to change. The Administration needs to rethink its approach; there is no support for it among the American people, in Congress and from Iranians who have given the lie to the notion the Supreme Leader speaks for all of them.
Its no longer auspicious to party like its 1938.
"Hot Air suggests that Hamas or Hezbullah may attack Israel as a distraction from what's going on in Iran. We have not heard anything that would indicate an attack like that is coming."
Sorry Carl, but you are wrong in this case. I was in Haifa for the summer of 2006 and was basically the first guy to see the first two missiles to land in the city by looking out my window.
The fact was that Hizb'allah always attacks when it's expected not too. Also Hizb'allah may be sending out it's thugs the real question are these the reserve forces? the katuysha teams? The anti-tank missile teams? Or was it those guys riding around on mopeds keeping the journalists in check and helping to create propaganda scenes for the green-helmet guy?
My guess is it's the last one and not the true fighting force that the IDF would face in any war.
While I doubt Hamas would want a repeat of "Cast Lead" soo soon. All this talk of blaming the "Zionists" foe makes me get the feeling that Mullahs will try to attack us to get a re-focusing of energy...
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