'Palestinians' force orchestra that played for survivors to disband

On Friday, I reported on a post by Debbie Schlussel that heiress Shari Arison had done a 'good deed' (that neither Debbie nor I found particularly good) by bringing a 'Palestinian' youth orchestra to play for a group of Holocaust survivors.
Now Haaretz reports that 'Palestinian authorities' have disbanded the orchestra and barred its conductor from her 'refugee camp' over the incident.
Adnan Hindi of the Jenin camp called the Holocaust a political issue and accused conductor Wafa Younis of unknowingly dragging the children into a political dispute.But the richest part is the explanation for what got Hindi (is he Hamas or Fatah? They don't say so I would assume he is from the 'moderate' Fatah organization - kind of like how no one says 'Democrat' when a member of that party is involved in corruption) so upset:
He added that Younis has been barred from the camp and the apartment where she taught the 13-member Strings of Freedom orchestra has been boarded up [as if she committed a terror attack? CiJ].
"She exploited the children," said Hindi, the head of the camp's popular committee, which takes on municipal duties. "She will be forbidden from doing any activities...We have to protect our children and our community."
The move highlights the sensitivity of many Palestinians over acknowledging Jewish suffering, fearing it would weaken their own historical grievances against Israel.Oh really? Has anyone seen 'Palestinians' being forced into gas chambers? Has anyone seen them trudging through snow without coats or shoes in torn clothes? Has anyone seen them lined up en masse and shot - except for 'collaborators' shot by the 'Palestinians' themselves? Has anyone seen them herded into cattle cars and transported hundreds of miles without food or water?
"The Holocaust happened, but we are facing a similar massacre by the Jews themselves," Hindi said. "We lost our land, and we were forced to flee and we've lived in refugee camps for the past 50 years."
Hindi said Palestinians - especially in his hardscrabble cinder block refugee camp - had suffered at the hands of Israel and demanded their grievances be acknowledged first.
What's so odious about 'Palestinian' Holocaust denial is the effort to equate their own 'suffering' - and to adopt the Jewish narrative as their own (see another example above) - when whatever suffering the 'Palestinians' may have is self-inflicted (or at least inflicted by their own leaders) and of such a miniscule degree as compared with Jewish suffering in the Holocaust.
But there's one way in which one could equate the 'musicians' and the Holocaust survivors.
Hindi said the children's parents were not aware that the orchestra would play for Holocaust survivors.It's not so smart to try to trick people on either side, is it? Just ask Daniel Barenboim.
At last Wednesday's performance, most of the Holocaust survivors did not know the youths were Palestinians from the West Bank, a rare sight in Israel these days. And the youths had no idea they were performing for people who lived through Nazi genocide - or even what the Holocaust was.
YNet has more on this story, including this little gem:
"I feel sympathy for them," Ali Zeid, an 18-year-old keyboard player said after the concert. He said he was shocked by what he learned about the Holocaust, in which the Nazis killed 6 million Jews in their campaign to wipe out European Jewry.And one was just like the other, eh?
"Only people who have been through suffering understand each other," added Zeid, who said his grandparents were Palestinian refugees forced to flee the northern city of Haifa during the war that followed Israel's creation in 1948.
Let's face he truth...
the fake people of "palestine" are evil, intent of turning anything into a Jew hating mantra...
If Israel was having a "holocaust" of historic proportion then the "palestinians" would not have quadrupled in the past 40 years, received a trillion dollars of aid and the world's attention.
The solution is clear...
Any and all areas of "palestinian squatting" are to be left to their own devices...
Israel should withdraw, and ABANDON these areas...
Israel should stop all contact with any and all "palestinian" groups" seal off FROM ISRAEL any and all contact from Gaza and west Bank areas...
Israel should not stop anyone from entering Gaza of the West Bank...
Israel, as a Nation, member of the UN, should warn anyone that any rocket, stabbing or border crossing from said areas will cause massive carpet bombing of areas aiding or helping to cause said attacks...
Israel will not stop the squatting people of gaza and west bank from living in peace and forming any type of government they choose...
However if they use said lands to harm Israel, Israel will annex said lands and push off squatting people off and clean off the lands BEFORE annexation..
Dont like it? Go move to France...
And Shari Arison feels no remorse for her stupidity. The Palestinians don't like be fooled. One could ask the Jews why they want to be fooled - or at least the addle-brained ones among them like Arison.
The entire thing was a digusting spectacle.
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