Sharon advisers see no connection between Gaza expulsion and war

Three years ago tonight, then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was rushed to the hospital with a 'significant stroke.' Sharon has been in a coma ever since.
Tonight, three years to the day from Sharon's stroke, YNet interviewed Sharon's advisers about the ongoing war in Gaza. They don't see the connection between the expulsion of Gaza's Jews and the necessity of the current war.
Eyal Arad, one of Sharon's close advisors, said to Ynet on the connection between the dates, "I don't believe in the irony of history; we are looking for connections, but they're not there. We aren't going back to Gaza, just like how in Operation Defensive Shield we didn't return to Hebron. Sharon intended to leave Gaza once and for all, but the Disengagement wasn't a contract with God – that everything you do will hold forever. If they shoot at as, are we going to turn the other way and say that they're not?"Morons.
Arad, who was one of the Kadima election campaign leaders, believes three and a half years after the Disengagement that the move was justified.
"Today, after the Disengagement, we can say to the world that we've had it up to here and that we need to take care of these fascist bullies. I see the Arab spokesmen screaming 'Occupation! Occupation!' and the media looking at them without understanding – what occupation are you talking about? Look at the EU's response – it's something that is almost incomprehensible in terms of the past few years. The world has understood that this really is serious; Israel is truly ready to stop the occupation and dismantle the settlements and isn't even looking for something in return," Arad explained.
Yisrael Maimon, Sharon's cabinet secretary, is ready to duel anyone who claims that the Disengagement brought about a worsening of Israel's situation.
"They fired Qassams at us much before that, and I can only imagine what kind of situation we'd be in if 7,000 Israelis were currently in Gaza under a Hamas government. Arik saw years ahead of his time. There is no doubt that Israel's capability to handle what is happening in the Strip is better because of him, both in operationally, tactically and politically with the rest of the world."
Sharon's advisor, Dov Weisglass, refuses to see any connection between the former prime minister and the recent operation in the Gaza Strip.
"Hamas took over Gaza because of the weakness of the Palestinian Authority and would have done so with the Disengagement or without it. Sharon hoped that we would successfully establish co-existence, and, unfortunately, this didn't happen. So the military is acting the way it should. We can only be happy that amidst all this mess, there aren't any Israeli settlements," explained Weisglass.
Weisglass believes that the Disengagement was a good decision. "Thanks to Sharon, we said goodbye to that cursed land forever, and what is happening there now is the best evidence that we shouldn't be there. To our good fortune, no leader is saying that he wants to stay in Gaza. On the contrary – everyone is competing how clearly he can say that he has no intention of returning to Gaza."
To Arad, the only reason the EU has come out in our favor is that the Czech Republic just assumed its rotating Presidency. France, which was President of the EU until last Thursday, has gone out of its way to condemn us.
To Maimon, I can guarantee you one thing: If there were Jews living in Nisanit, Dugit and Elei Sinai (all towns in northern Gaza whose Jews were expelled by Sharon), there wouldn't be Kassams shot from those towns, and the IDF wouldn't be fighting over the exact spots in the sand that those towns used to sit on.
To Weisglass, if Hamas would have taken over Gaza whether or not we were there, why haven't they taken over Judea and Samaria yet? After all, Fatah is as weak all over. In fact, if anything, Muhamed Dahlan - who was Fatah's leader in Gaza - was much stronger than any Fatah operatives in Judea and Samaria. Answer: Hamas has not taken over Judea and Samaria because the IDF is still sitting on the 'Palestinian' cities there. It would not have taken over Gaza either if the IDF were still in Gaza.
Like I said, they are morons if they really don't see the connection and arrogant you-know-what's if they see it and won't admit it.
The Czech EU spokesman is now 'sorry' for calling Israel's action in Gaza defensive (Hat Tip: NJDhockeyfan via Little Green Footballs).
The apology came after Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg described the original comments as "a very serious mistake" but sought to draw a line under the affair.Arad (see above) is now a bigger moron.
Jiri Frantisek Potuznik, Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek's EU presidency spokesman, issued a statement that was published on the website of the Czech presidency of the EU.
"I would like to apologise for the misunderstanding which occurred on January 3, 2009 about the reaction of the Czech Presidency to the actions of the Israeli ground forces in the Gaza Strip according to which the operations were seen as an act of self-defence," he wrote of his comments the day before.
Libya's Kadhafi Foundation had warned it would press Tripoli to cut ties with Prague unless the Czech official withdrew the remarks and made a formal apology.
The group, headed by Seif al-Islam Kadhafi, the influential son of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, said Potuznik's remarks "represent an insult for the (Palestinian) martyrs and wounded."
Seif al-Islam, a reformist who is widely seen as Kadhafi's successor, was in contact with Arab countries to put pressure on Prague to apologise, the statement added.
On Saturday Potuznik had said: "At the moment from our perspective we do understand that the action is part of the defensive action of Israel (...) we do understand that it is more defensive than offensive."
That first statement was hastily followed by another from the Czech foreign ministry, swiftly changing tack. It said: "Even the indisputable right of the state to defend itself does not allow actions which largely affect civilians.
"We call for the facilitation of humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip, and ... for the establishment of a ceasefire," Schwarzenberg said in that statement.
On Sunday, Schwarzenberg told reporters the Czech Republic had nothing to apologise for: "It was a personal error, it happens to everyone, that happened to me too when I was young."
Potuznik "has accepted responsibility, which is right. Full stop," he added.
Shem Re'Sha'im Yirkav.
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Ariel Sharon's advisers don't see what every one else in Israel sees: the Disengagement was a failure and never should have happened. They think their boss was G-d and could never make a mistake. Sharon made a big mistake, one for which Israel has paid very dearly and cost the life of an Israeli soldier. If Jews were still living in Gaza, Israel wouldn't have needed to risk lives to go back in to save Sderot and the rest of Israel would have been safe from Hamas rocket fire. Those who sought to flee the violence of Gaza found the violence of Gaza coming to them.
Incidentally, calling them morons is the understatement of the year. Sharon's advisers will never admit their advice put Israel in great danger and they can put their arrogance in refusing to admit the error of their mistaken conception some place appropriate.
In the meantime, Jewish history has come full circle.
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