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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Kassam lands 40 meters from Sderot elementary school

A Kassam rocket shot by 'Palestinian' terrorists in the Gaza Strip landed forty meters (about 131 feet) from the Gil elementary school in Sderot around 11:00 AM today. Eighteen people, including ten children, were treated at Barzilay Hospital in Ashkelon for shock. It probably goes without saying that Israel's nightmare scenario is that a Kassam hits a building crowded with children.
One pupil reported that when the Color Red early warning system was sounded, his teacher told the class to remain in their seats because the class was reinforced. However, when they heard the crash and realized how close it had hit, some students and teachers began crying. The school's psychological and counseling staff is currently being bolstered with staff from other schools and nearby cities.
For those of you who live in Israel, especially in the Negev, I am sorry to say that this report will not give you a lot of confidence in the government's willingness to let the IDF deal with the Kassam problem:
Israel's ability to counter and deal with the threat of Kassam rockets fired from the Gaza Strip is limited and almost non-existent, Chief Intelligence Officer Brig.-Gen. Yuval Halamish, said Thursday.

Speaking at a conference in Tel Aviv University on the use of Electro-optics on the future battlefield, Halamish said that sometimes luck plays more of a factor when facing the Kassam than Israel's military capabilities.

"This is a close threat that has an impact on the home front as well as the national morale," Halamish said. "Our ability to deal with this threat is difficult until being almost impossible in certain places."

Halamish said that Iran and Syria were transferring know-how to the Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip and that the characteristics of warfare in Gaza today were similar to those used against the IDF by the Hizbullah in Lebanon and against American troops in Iraq.

Halamish said that the use of rockets by terror groups was due to their understanding that ground forces are limited in their capabilities.
General Halamish doesn't mention the one solution to the Kassams that actually has a chance of working: occupying the Gaza Strip. I guess he assumes that the Olmert-Barak-Livni junta won't agree to that because it would spoil our 'negotiations' with the 'good' terrorists from Fatah.


At 4:43 PM, Blogger Ron said...

There was an article in the Times today about the bad versus very bad choices Israel faces vis-a-vis Gaza. I'm always confused when I read such things, since to me, from the distance of NYC, the correct path is very easy to find: Whatever the range of the rockets, make the borders of Gaza that much smaller (i.e., a no-go zone). Turn whatever is there into rubble and shoot whoever goes there.

Besides that, I have no idea why Israel is permitting water, food, or electricity into Gaza. That small change alone would alter the situation, and rather rapidly.

The deal should be: Nothing gets in until the rockets stop and the groups that launch them are destroyed.

It's all really so easy; but again, from my safe distance in NYC.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Carl, it is beyond me why the population of Israel is allowing its government to continue. It is fairly obvious to even the most naive person that the government of Israel simply does not have the will to protect its own people from continued attack.

That is not to say the the IDF or the people do not have the will and the means.

This does mean that the government of Israel is no longer representing Israel's best interests. It is willing to put its citizens lives on the line, take "acceptable" losses, like the children.

Where is the outrage? Where is the anger? Why are Israeli's not turning out this government?

The government of Israel has a duty and obligation to protect its citizens from all enemies, domestic and foreign. It is failing in this duty, and has reneged upon its obligation.

It is obvious though that some drastic grass-roots efforts are needed to oust this ineffectual and useless political group. The people should turn out enmasse and fire the PM and his cohorts, installing a caretaker government until such a time as elections can be held.

I would also suggest barring obvious enemies of the state from running for state government. That would fall under an "obvious" rubric, in that an enemy of the state cannot by definition work in the states best interests.

Something has to be done. I am not an advocate of the "C" word. Maybe you can hire Donald Trump to tell Olmert his famous line. Ya fi-uh-ed.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger Lydia McGrew said...

Can somebody tell me finally what legal means the Israelis have for firing Olmert and his bunch? How and when do they get a chance to vote them out of office? The parliamentary system with the whole "calling elections" thing is entirely dark to me as an American. Don't these guys come up for reelection at regularly scheduled intervals?

At 1:17 AM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


Yes, from New York you've seen the solution. Unfortunately, the government lacks the courage, willpower or desire to implement.


Sderot is NotInMyBackYard. And if you've forgotten, I suggest that you read this, especially the last paragraph.


Olmert is up for re-election in November 2010 if we have a country left by then. In this post, I summed up the (dismal) prospects of getting rid of him before then.

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Lydia McGrew said...

Thanks, Carl. That's the info. I've been seeking. Looks like y'all have a long haul. But I wonder if there will be anyone better in 2010. I suppose one can always hope.

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