Bibi supporters do so with trepidation

You're no "metzi'ah," great find either. Your big problem is that you want to be perceived as a "moderate," in the "center." Parve may be great in the kitchen, but it's traif in terms of leadership.I share Batya's sentiments. The memory of the Why Why Wye? Agreement is too fresh in all of our memories.
A leader must have clear "vision," meat or dairy. You have to have a clear direction and not try to attract all to the middle. It's an oxymoron to be a leader of the middle, since the middle isn't going any place. At best it treads water, and just surviving isn't enough.
Arkady Gaydamak's popularity should have you frightened, not as a politician competing for votes, but as an American educated man. We're of the same generation and know that when a country's population is looking for a savior to solve all their problems, they're looking for a dictator.
You have potential, training and a staff. Too bad you're wasting it pointing out the lard in Barak and how his policies have endangered us, but that's old news.
Bibi, you haven't shown that you're any better.
But I'm also a realist. While the country is now leaning right, I understand that if Moshe Feiglin - to whom I am much closer ideologically than I am to Bibi - wins the Likud primary on August 14, it could drive the country's 'swing votes' into Ehud Barak's arms. Barak is still perceived as a "bitchonist" (security-oriented practical leader) despite his failures in Lebanon. So unless I conclude before August 14 that my Likud primary vote (yes, I am a member of the Likud) doesn't matter, I will pull the lever for Bibi on the 14th of August. If Bibi is so far ahead that it doesn't matter anyway, I will vote for Feiglin in a bid to keep Bibi's right flank sold.
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