Wondering more about Qana and 30-foot banners
This morning, I posted some speculation that the 30-foot banner of Secretary of State Rice that miraculously showed up in Qana yesterday was probably prepared in advance, leading to questions whether the entire event was staged. Tonight, reader Postermaker made the following comments about that blog post:Since I do banners like this for a living, I can tell you it take more than a few hours depending on the equipment. A banner that large can be done one of two ways. With a grant format printer. It would probably take about 3-4 hours to print, then hours more to sew and grommet so it could hung. It would have to be Made of heavy duty material or one that was reinforced or the sheer weight would rip it apart.
The other way it to use a smaller series of machines all color calibrated and produce sections. At that point they would have to be stretch the length of the banner ( read large facility) and sewn together. Additional support would go on the tops and bottoms.
In short if it was related Qana and went up within two hours- four hours, it was done prior to the bomb hitting. No other way. Just putting an image together that large on a computer with Type would take a few hours.
Then color tests, proofs and finally printing. That would be an all day affair for most print houses even with a grand format printer. The cost would be in the thousands.
Then you would have to transport it.

Do we know exactly when the banner was 1st displayed, and more importantly - what does the Arabic text say? Unless it refers to the Qana 'bombing', it's not that damning, is it?
Thank you, Carl - I saw that text on another forum, but thought it was yet another 'funny' suggestion as to what it meant.
And the test also says that the poster was displayed in Beruit, not Qana, so presumably there is more sophisticated printing facilities there.
The timing of the debut of the banner is everything!
I'm a designer and I agree it takes a LOT of time to put one of those together. The text says: "The children's massacre in Qana (part) 2: Rice's gift."
I can't make out the text on the bottom line, the first word is missing so the rest doesn't make sense.
The Qana bombing was Sunday 7/30/06. According to this post, the banner went up "yesterday" (7/31/06). That leaves about 24 hours, give or take. What is so incredible about that, especially if the banner was unfurled in Beirut?
The AFP news here on Yahoo is dated "Sun Jul 30, 2:36 PM ET".
Did the building collapsed in the morning same day? When?
Were are we ...know?
Well, some bombs does for sure misses its target and Israel has apolpgized for Qana (meanwhile Hezbollah target civilian Israelis by purpose ...and dont apologize even a nazi "final solution").
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