
Monday, December 26, 2016

Deja vu all over again: Obama not the first President to attempt to hurt Israel in his final days

Barack Hussein Obama is not the first US President to try to use the United Nations to hurt Israel in his final days in office. That 'honor' goes to Obama's ideological mate, Jimmy Carter. In this Washington Post editorial from December 21, 1980 (Hat Tip: Mark Dubowitz) (would they publish it today?), if you replace Carter with Obama, the result is uncanny.
THE AMERICAN vote against Israel in the Security Council Friday was, in a sense, the essential Carter. There was no good reason of state for the United States to reverse its previous refusal (twice to condemn Israel for expelling two West Bank mayors -- not least because a change would mark its previous votes as politically motivated. Moreover, the issue of the mayors, who are indeed their people's authentic representatives but are also spokesmen for violence, is more complicated than any U.N. majority -- and certainly Secretary General Kurt Waldheim, who immediately offered the mayors the comforts of the house for a hunger strike -- could be expected to grasp. Yet the administration condemned Israel. It evidently did so out of a familiar impulse to be at one with the virtuous souls of the Third World, notwithstanding the complexities of the larger issue at hand.
That issue is whether friends should be treated differently from enemies.It's a tough one. That is, it's a tough one for the United States and especially for the Carter administration. No other country -- no other president -- has so indulged the luxury of deciding whether to support friends on all occasions regardless of their failings or whether to apply ostensibly universal values and condemn them in particular cases when they are deemed to fall short. It would be truly regrettable if the United States followed the pack and decided every case on political grounds alone. At the same time, it cannot be denied that there is a pack and that it hounds Israel shamelessly and that this makes it very serious when the United States joins it. Jimmy Carter has regularly anguished on this score. This time, in perhaps his last U.N. act of consequence, there was a suggestion in the air that he was finally doing what in his heart he has always wanted to do: vote for what he regarded as virtue.
To whatever effect, Ronald Reagan will do it differently.
May God obliterate both Carter's and Obama's names and memories. ימח שמם וזכרם of these evil people. And may Obama's efforts have even less effect than Carter's had.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    No rabbit has attacked President Obama on the fairway.

    Clearly, emotions of vile racism extend FAR beyond the human species. It is all part of a despicable conspiracy to deny him a Legacy.

