
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Why I see no choice but to support Donald Trump

This was sent to me by Dan F. It was posted on Facebook by someone he describes as an Orthodox Jew from Baltimore. It does a pretty good job of explaining why I feel that I have no choice but to support Donald Trump.
Between the two candidates we have, it's not even close. We have a blusterer who tells you exactly what he thinks, and a conniver who will tell you exactly what she needs to say to get you to vote for her.
One stands entirely with Israel, the other pressures Israel to compromise its security in the face of terror.
One compromised our national security, placed classified information on an unprotected, private server, and then lied about it, and tries to make an issue about the other's sarcastic response that maybe the Russians can get hold of them [the relevant servers are now in a secured FBI facility, so the idea that he was actually encouraging them to do so is ludicrous.]
One has a track record of refusing to identify radical Islamic terror, and blaming terrorism on "occupation," American videos, and any other possible pretense. The other calls terrorism what it is and promises to back Israel's self defense.
One pressures and condemns Israel regarding a two-state solution with a current Arab govt. of despots encouraging and rewarding murder of Jews. The other stands on a platform rejecting the idea that Jews in their own homeland are "occupiers."
 Seems pretty clear, doesn't it?  And doesn't even mention Dave....


  1. Tump is a nut case.

  2. No, it's not clear at all. We don't really know what Trump will do. And, unfortunately, this election is a washout. No matter who wins, the country will lose.

    If there were a clear choice this year, we could say that Republicans are making inroads to the Jewish vote. Unfortunately, the choice is between a businessman who insults everyone and a former First Lady whom everyone knows too much about.

    To be blunt, we cannot say who will be better for Israel from these two candidates. We have to hope for the best these next four years, and maybe in 2020 the poison will have left our politics and we can evaluate clearly the best candidates for the country (and of course, who would be best for Israel policy). I will not be voting for either candidate; I will write in or vote down-ballot, because I cannot "hold my nose" this year.
